Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Luna Casette
Have being in a lot of sessions with professionals like Manuel Lara (Kali Uchis), Marc Urselli (Audio Engineer), Matthew Waters (Game Of Thrones), etc...
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Professional drummer Sean Winchester is recording high quality drum tracks in a variety of styles. Larger recording credits include three Everclear records, fat mike of the band NOFX, Kikaider Reboot, nazareth etc. also available to record other instruments.
I'm a multidisciplinary artist and sound designer based in Seoul, South Korea. I've collaborated with artists such as Suzanne Ciani, Janek Gwizdala, Jordan Rudess among others.
Je suis un sculpteur de mots. I'm a lyric sculptor. J'habilIe vos mélodies sur mesure. I create custom lyrics like a fashion designer creates original costumes that make you stand out from the crowd and make you look good. Je crée des textes personnalisés comme un couturier crée des costumes originaux pour vous rendre unique.
Italian Professional Producer with many years of experience proposes Beat Trap, Reggaeton & Pop. I have also worked with major labels such as Warner Music Italy.
Artist well know streamed song Titled "Lover". Produced songs for major artists doing great in the major stores.
Songwriter, musician with specialization in singing and lyrics.
Epic and emotional samples
Recent Successes
"Austin is exceedingly patient & very service-oriented towards the client, as I can attest! I very much appreciate his professional attitude & insights, and I love what he did to my track. Thanks to Soundbetter as well..."
"Great to work with. Talented and professional."
"Sean is a dope guitarist. It was cool to work with him on different ideas. "
"I had been wanting to work with Fred for a while and he didn't disappoint. He was communicative, respectful, and understood exactly what I wanted to bring out in my master. Can't wait to work together again :)"
"Ronnie is super talented and amazing to work with! He can work on a deadline and with speed, most importantly delivering quality! His vocals are top tier and I'd recommend him to anyone who needs some soul injected in..."
"I can't say it enough, GIO is the best producer on here. Hired him for my last 7 songs, and more to come. Thanks GIO for always capturing my sound!"
"Ziv just wrote the most unbelievable lead to one of the BEST songs we’ve written! Because of what I just heard these goosebumps might be permanent I honestly don’t have the words Z you’re the absolute BEST my f..."