Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with lump records
Invest In Your Sound
20 years of experience with Synthesizers, Guitars, Percussion & Drum Machines and a classical training in Piano guarantee a wide palette of sound when it comes to producing your songs. Universal Audio Systems and an engineering degree from S.A.E insures your Mix-down and Mastering is up to level with highest industry standards.
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music is my wife
Professional session guitarist, contact me for recording or arranging guitar tracks. Acoustic or electric guitars, lap steel, mandolin, ukulele. I have a great collection of instruments, amp's, pedals, and digital systems.
I produce music since 1995, for DJs, Artists and Bands in different genres (electronic, jazz, rock, metal, singer/songwriter). For my work I need to understand the essence of a track and to grasp the inherent feeling. I then try to reinforce its soul, liven it up and take the listener by the hand and accompany him on his emotional journey.
Músico, compositor, arranjador e professor. Com vasta experiência em estúdio. Instrumentos: Sanfona, Piano e Percussão (surdo, tamborim, reco-reco, agogô, ganzá, caixa, repinique, triângulo, zabumba, atabaque).
La psicología de los colores forma parte de nuestro día a día y por ello queremos instruirte en este tema tan apasionante. En nuestra página web encontrarás todo sobre el significado de los colores.
I'm a music producer from Florida. I make Hip Hop Beats.
Mixing is like painting. In it, we can give different contrasts and textures to each instrument in order to bring a different dynamic to each phrase, each word, each note.These different contrasts are what make your music EMOTIONAL and CONNECTING.
Versatile Neo-soul singer, songwriter with strong jazz, soul, R&B, Motown and theatre and operatic roots.
Recent Successes
"You need amazing BGVs? Check. You need creativity? Check. You need someone super easy to work with? Check. Add some Motown spice to all that, and you have the best project you could ever wish for. Thanks, Lydia."
"Hannah is precise, works fast, delivers everything that has been asked. Incredible skills, beautiful sense of rythm and great sensitivity and rythmic intelligence. I was amazed."
"Not only was Kramer super fast to respond to my messages, but he also walked me through the process of using the site (my first time) and was extremely communicative. Most importantly, he swiftly delivered a quality m..."
"I couldn’t help but cry when I heard the final product. It was everything I dreamed my song would sound like performed by a professional. Hope I’ll get to work with him again."
"Marcus is highly talented! He writes high quality lyrics and he is very friendly, open minded and fast. He got everything that your track needs and nails it down to perfection. Thank you Marcus. "
"Brilliant amazing clarinet player, improviser and interpreter! He made my old school jazz track swing like crazy. Just let him do his thing, you won't regret it. "
"Very fast and very professional work! "
"Another one with Matt! Awesome work, as always! Matt is really the best! Thanks "
"Love working with Michael he did a fantastic job on my tracks. "