Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lumo
If you’re looking for a modern, polished sound in EDM, Deep House, Pop, or Hip Hop, I’m here to make your track stand out.
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Mixer, Remixer, Programmer, Producer, Composer
I'm a music producer specializing in future bass, disco and other modern forms of electronic music for film and TV.
If you’re looking for a modern, polished sound in EDM, Deep House, Pop, or Hip Hop, I’m here to make your track stand out.
Hello there! I am a recording artist, session vocalist and topline writer based in BOS/NYC. I am versatile in my tone and range to provide anything from power-vocals and soul-pop (Christina Aguilera/Demi Lovato/Jessie J) to indie-pop (Lana Del Rey/ Fleurie). My range in genres include pop, r&b/soul, gospel, Musical Theatre, rock/pop.
Andrea Piccioni, a native of Rome, is a master performer on frame drums and percussion. He is touring worldwide with artists such as Bobby McFerrin, Paul McCandless, Riccardo Tesi, Gianluigi Trovesi, Basel Rajoub, Luciano Biondini, Manfred Leuchter, Lucilla Galeazzi, Les Haulz et les Bas, Caitrìona O’Leary, Donàl Lunny and Wu Man.
Film Score + Sound Design + Orchestral Composition
Nivito virtuvės maišytuvas (https://www.nivito.lt/) – naujausia virtuvės įrangos naujovė. Šis unikalus maišytuvas suteikia jūsų virtuvės kriauklei stiliaus ir funkcionalumo. Elegantiškas Nivito virtuvinio maišytuvo dizainas ir moderni apdaila suteiks jūsų virtuvei akimirksniu atnaujinimą. Nivito
Professional work around Hip-hop and Rnb music: Mastering, Mixdown & Producing
Recent Successes
"The best "
"Brandon is a complete professional. His work is alway top-notch and an amazing value."
"We've worked with Brandon twice now and he really captured the song essence and delivered awesome vocals on both.The songs were different styles in male- vocal pop and he really showed his range.Brandon is professiona..."
"Excellent work! Highly recommend Eric. Excellent communication and he went above and beyond by throwing in additional masters for an amazing price. Will definitely work with him again very soon."
"Danomay talent is a gift from above ❤️ the songs he writes for me is fantastic, the price is good and he’s a excellent listener. Go to Danomay if you want your songs to be a hit! "
"I am so very happy that I found this incredible musician and kind, understanding, patient and passionate player and person. As previously stated, I will always always always work with amazing Pablo. Thank you for y..."
"Andres is a magician behind the boards and an absolute joy to work with. The one and only mastering engineer I would ever work with. Cannot recommend him enough."
"My friends the awesome Crushboys are amazingly creative and love working with them..."