Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lucio Suzy
Hi I'm Mehdi, I've been a session guitarist, producer, and studio owner for 6 years and I'm available to write and record a guitar track in any style, as well as produce or mix for you.
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Hi i am jules and i am a singer songwriter based in the uk .I am currently working with producers to release a variety of trance and house tracks .I also write songs for any other genre on request .
[ Multi million streamed writer, producer and mixing engineer ] “A master of melodies” “When we think of producers that have a flawless track record, JM∆C comes to mind” Hilly Dilly
My specialty is electronic music with organic elements. I produced music for Multi Culti, Hard Fist, Calypso, Playground, Esthetique, among others I was as "the sound that defined Dekmantel's festival 2019" Supported by Andrew Weatherall, Thomas Von Party, Dreems, Golden Bug, Perel, Curses, Rodion, Thomass Jackson, James Rod, Ivan Smagghe & others.
João Mutton is a composer, producer and orchestrator from Brazil, award nominated for his orchestral film music.
R&B, soul, alternative, rock. Beats.
I'm a composer. youtube: NPPGWB
I'm a creative and passionate producer, multi-instrumentalist, and mix engineer with over ten years of production experience and I'm excited to get to work on your song! I started my music career as a pianist/performer and have transitioned into production with a keen understanding of what an artist needs from a producer/engineer relationship.
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Recent Successes
"Carla is incredibly talented, a true professional, and is an absolute pleasure to work with! Hope to work together again soon!"
"Jessika is a dream to work with. She's got an unbelievable voice that will blow any big industry name out of the water. Thank you Jess for all your prompt responses and swift delivery of the perfect vocals. So thrille..."
"Liam is a true professional! He will help your project sound the best it can!"
"Caden has unique creative insight which took my project in a completely different direction that what we started with and I love it! His patience and attention to detail made working with him so fun and am looking for..."
"Während der ganzen Produkionszeit habe ich mich sehr gefreut mit Andreas zusammen zu arbeiten! Immer im Austausch um am Ende ein Topergebnis zu haben! Freue mich gerade sehr über einen sehr sehr geilen Song!"
"Theia was an absolute pleasure to work with. Professionalism abounds. Quick response time. Highly recommend."
"Nate always delivers outstanding work! His attention to detail, creativity, and impeccable timing make him a fantastic drummer to collaborate with. Every project we’ve worked on has been elevated by his skills. Highly..."
"There are precious few things I enjoy more in this business than getting the multitrack drums back from Dennis Holt importing them into the master session and hitting the PLAY button. A TOTAL pro. Always upbeat, his..."