Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lucidor
Skara (Sweden) Based Mix & Recording Engineer. Credits include The Gems, Gathering Of Kings, The Night Flight Orchestra, The Liptones, Cactus Vibrance, and many more.
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My name is Azlan Zarool from Malaysia and I am a composer and producer who is passionate with films and documentaries.
I compose and produce instrumentals for vocal artists. Intro music for vlogers or Youtubers. Gaming music. I also do video organisation.
I love to play, practice and perform my instrument. Yes, Art is subjective, but being a guitarist/musician is more than that, it's a craft.
Producer, Mix and Master Engineer also an Artist and Songwriter with over 10 years of experience. whose music blends an intriguing mix of Hip-Hop, Pop Rap, Trap, Dance and Reggaeton.
Argentinian professional and versatile musician. Highly experienced recording and touring session guitarist.
I'm a professional cellist based in France, with my own recording studio dedicated to cello takes specifically. I've worked with artists such as the band Apocalyptica, Marianne Faithfull, Sinead O'Connor, Ibrahim Maalouf,...Also, I have a solid carreer in classical music and movies soundtracks recordings (Gabriel Yared, Armand Amar, Philippe Sarde)
I am a multi-instrumentalist lofi producer. I can help you by creating original music in different styles such as Indie, Hip Hop, Electronic, and more. Let's have a chat a make it happen. I have my own my studio and I work on every project with absolute passion and originality. You'll get my 110%.
Master degree in Sound Engineering
Recent Successes
"Robert was a wonderful help to me on this project. When you need advice from the best, Robert's your go to guy! He will be honest and helpful in finding what best suits your needs. Cant thank him enough."
"A wonderful pedal steel player! His mixing skills are top notch and my song has taken on a new life as a result of his dedication to the musical arts. His conversations were thoughtful and his gift of understanding my..."
"Wonderful work from Leo again. He mastered it perfectly"
"Another amazing vocal from Aleesia! Best experience working with her! She's a rare talent, super creative and absolute professional to work with. So much fun working with her vocals cuts! Couldn't recommend her enoug..."
"Great musician, give more that I expected, puntual like no one 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘"
"Where to start..Adam has become the fourth member in every project I’ve done. He interpreting everything exactly the way I see and hear it. This is the fourth time hiring Adam and I can’t believe the luck I’ve had fin..."
"Simon is the man. Sharp mastering."
"Working with Betty/Brunetti was a good and fun expierience. Not only did she manage to come up with a beautiful topline, she also write a text that moved my heart. Her patience and creativity helped me pretty much. ..."