Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Gathering Of Kings
Skara (Sweden) Based Mix & Recording Engineer. Credits include The Gems, Gathering Of Kings, The Night Flight Orchestra, The Liptones, Cactus Vibrance, and many more.
Unlock the Potential of Your Music with Plec, Ranked Among the World's Top 200 Most Streamed Mastering Engineers. Join the Ranks of Artists like Soilwork, Mayhem, Floor Jansen, and H.E.A.T. – Elevate Your Sound Today!
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I have been producing film & commercial music for European & Asian commercial clients since 2009 and returned to music industry scene in 2014 fully committing to what I love most. Since then I have produced a few albums and singles and I look forward to working with people equally passionate about what they do.
My name is Gerard Wareham and I am a freelance audio engineer from the UK with 5 years experience of mixing and mastering . I have also studied degree level music technology and have qualifications in music theory. I aim to meet my clients needs and expectations every time.
My name is Noah Schmidt, an up and coming music producer, as well as a cover track producer and remote masterer. I live in Kansas City, Missouri, and enjoy its deep musical heritage. I believe your music should sound the best it can possibly sound because it is a direct representation of you.
When you get to work with me you feel the paro with caro
Mixing & Mastering Engineer for your Music!
Professional, radio-ready mixes at an affordable cost
Mixing sounds to make your vision come to life! From songwriting to recording and mixing, I utilize my knowledge gained over the years as well as from my time at Full Sail University to bring your music to a different frequency. I've done sound design for animation, games, film and audiobooks. Currently doing live sound at a church.
Hola, Mi nombre es Max. Soy Cantante y compositor con mas de 8 años de experiencia, así mismo; cuento con un pequeño home studio donde produzco mis propios temas, trabajo con un beatmaker para poder realizar mis canciones. Si necesitas que cante tus canciones o componga una canción para ti, lo haré con mucho gusto.
Recent Successes
"Rachel is a great singer with unbelievable voice. I really love her work. She is professional and understands exactly what to do when asked. In addition to her professional work, she is incredibly nice, always resp..."
"This is the 2nd time (and not the last) using Matt, he produced some great no thrills bass quickly and accurately and look forward to our next piece of work."
"Fantastic job. Great communication. Sergey was very responsive to my suggested changes, and produced excellent results very quickly."
"Hired Erik for another job (intro with organs, choirs and brass) and was equally pleased as the one before. Great work. Super good, super fast and super service minded. "
"I love to meet soulful people, and Bruno one of them. He is young and passionate, manage work with me very well.( my english is amateurish). I hire him for vocals, plus he offers little additional help with the instru..."
"Great quality and for came through for every revision"
"Another track so well crafted by the wonderful mixing talent of Ocean Studios. Mawcore so very much appreciates the attention to detail and the over the top personal attention applied to each track. We are definitely ..."
"Very quick turnaround per projected timelines. Very kind and willing to make alternative takes per my input after initial takes were provided. I will be using Kirby again on future projects if he is available."