Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lucas Silveira
Creativity + Quality and and a little bit of madness = Ollerrrr. Beats, Production, Edit, Mix, Master and art! Trap, Hip-Hop, R&B, Pop, Indie and whatever our freaky artist mind come up with!
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"There is no escalator to success you have to take the stairs" Top 100 Best album on Amazon for solo albums Devil's Playground & Larry Writer and performer of the song "The Choice" and "Never Slow Down" (Theme song used for the National Hot Rod Association (NHRA), Numerous Film and TV show placements.
Music & Post-Production Sound design
Co-producer of "BARTA & K4RMA - GAAN" that hit 31.000 views on Soundcloud so far. Signed by Artist Intelligence Agency. 20.000 plays on Soundcloud exclude "GAAN" project
We can work your song since the begging (write music and lyrics) to the end (recording, mixing and mastering)
If you need smooth RnB/Soul/Gospel vocals for your track, look no farther.
At OakTownSoul we focus on not only the big picture that captivates your listeners but laser in on the small details that differentiate an industry mix from your average mix. Send a message and a rough of your song and we will tell you exactly our vision to make it as great as possible! (Check the description for specialties)
Worked with Rihanna's neighbour's stepmom's daughter and nominated for 835 invisible grammy's. Hi! I'm Pim - Professional audio engineer & music producer with a passion for a wide range of contemporary music & Dolby Atmos. Check out my work to get a deeper understanding of my sonics & let me know how I can help you sound even better!
Specializing in crafting captivating melodies, meaningful lyrics, and comprehensive songwriting, I offer a collaborative and personalized songwriting experience. Working together via email, I'm committed to creating the song of your dreams, one note at a time!
Recent Successes
"This fruitful collaboration with Marcello goes on and we finished song 3 now! Marcello is always reliable, open to share ideas, and, above all, he definitely rocks!"
"This is the second track I've worked with Gian and he brought that cohesiveness that I was looking for in all the different stems. I especially liked the filter buildup that gave me goosebumps!"
"If there were six stars I click that. Lighting fast turnaround, a voice - Anne Wilson your not kidding. Will do more songs as I can get them, I just wish I could belt them off as fast she does the turnaround!"
"Marcello has given me a superlative rock record which would have been cheap at 10x the price. I think Marcello and his team have a great passion for creating great rock music for their clients, and they did for me. Ma..."
"Brandon was positively amazing to work with! He listened to all of my input, told me what inspiration to provide him to guide the melody creation and BOOM he created beautiful music to my lyrics. His melody is origina..."
"Great singer and solid dude. Works fast. Always a pleasure."
"Dudes...Nik Hughes has done it again. Another stellar set of performances for a very important project to me. He is articulate, can be in the pocket and groove and you can absolutely trust the quality of the stems h..."