Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with love kr3w
Hi, I'm Exoon'n, billboard and iTunes charting music producer, singer-songwriter, engineer, and musical innovator with more than 7 years of experience. I have worked and made beats for various artists with the influence of pop, EDM, lo-fi and synthpop music.
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Mixing & Mastering, All genres and styles, High quality Quick turnaround.
Let's get you music transmit emotion and energy.
i can make your music better
I'm a singer and songwriter, as well as a content director of an indie media company. My style is marked by a trusting openness—my music is simple and accessible, yet fiercely catchy. My voice has been described as bright, warm, reminiscent of Joni Mitchell, Celtic, and sounding "classic", "soundtrack-y" or of the 1930s.
Desert rose Camel,love you to die Why you live in a place Like that. No one wants to stay Hurricane's your water Dryness hold your hands Why are you crying Always friends holding each other,never letting go Forever and ever, until death
Soy Franco Aravena, Productor y compositor music, me gradué en el Instituto Profesional Arcos, he trabajado en proyectos diversos como composición y producción de música urbana, composición de música cinematográfica y/o ambiental. Muchos de mis proyectos propios están disponibles en las diversas plataformas digitales.
First place in BILLBOARD songwriting contest for "Jesus, Bon-Jovi and Tarzan" produced with John Alagia, Charlie Midnight, Anthony Resta and Danny Bernini. I write, sing and produce and would love to collaborate and bring the best you to the table!
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Recent Successes
"Austin did a great job and was very responsive. He is easy to work with and professional. Very pleased with his participation on this project. Again, great job! "
"Amazing heart. Amazing soul. Talk about bringing the heat. Darren hit yet another homerun on this song. I think my song had a pretty nice groove, but with Darren's vocal, there's a whole other, or 5 other levels o..."
"Well Well....300 amazing reviews is a true testament to the powerhouse Ziv is! Onwards to the next 2700 =)))"
"Leon was exceptional. The tracks he gave us were perfect for the song and they ranged from several versions of a wonderful solo to giving a nice bottom to a horn section. Cant wait to work with him again."
"This is my second time collaborating with Andy and he was great on several fronts. He did an excellent mix, listened to my feedback and tweaked accordingly. He also went above and beyond to make edits that improved th..."
"Jordan is a talented artist and professional amazing to work with!"
"Third time working with Fab. I believe this producer is well musically trained or has a stable music theory background, which can tell that from the distinguished quality of the production. Would like to work together..."