Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lost Dakota
Clarity is a full production studio run by an industry veteran with 20+ years of experience in the industry and a continued investment in the San Diego live scene.
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Versatile Producer, V.O. Talent, Editor, Writer
Add the perfect flute track to your song! Sheet music or lead sheets can be used, but not necessary. Kat can create the perfect flute track based on your suggestions.
Hi! I'm Clara and I will provide beautiful vocals for your song in either English or Spanish.
Hey! I'm Molly, a singer songwriter from Birmingham, UK. I have wrote and recorded for multiple dance tracks, gathering millions of streams on Spotify. Tracks I have wrote and recorded for have appeared on multiple TV shows including Love Island UK, Love Island USA, Temptation Island, MTV Geordie Shore and many more.
Eurodance/Hands Up Producer
In love with fine groove
Worked for: Space, Jamie Sellers, Adam Moseley, Accidental Entertainment, Tucker Martine, Hunter Hayes, Steven Weston, Blank Dust, Will Hyde & Simon Pitt, Shelf Lives, Nil By Habit, Levina, Summer Luk, and many more.
Transforming raw sounds into sonic masterpiece, one mix at a time
Recent Successes
"Alexandros know is job and he do it great. You can trust is knowledge in studio. A big thank you!"
"Awesome job love working with merry!!!!"
"I'm very happy with my new canvas! Good communication, great artist to work with! Listens carefully to the wishes of the customer. Thank you Omar!"
"Olga Chung is very talented and a dream to work with. The vocal melody she created and her singing were beautiful."
"It was a pleasure working with Gustavo!! He is so nice and respectful! He is a great communicator! He mixed and mastered my song very well!! You can listen to my music, my artist name is Vinay Babu. This was my first ..."
"Thanks Stel for taking the time to listen to my work and give me your honest feedback on my song. Very professionally well done my friend. Hope to keep sending you more stuff to look at and work with. Great experience "
"First I worked with him. Perfect feel for the song and choice of sounds. Not the last time !"
"Aaron is absolute gold. He just did the impossible to get my project across the line and mix is so fire!!!! He has been nothing short of incredible the whole way through the process. I'm so grateful man, such an impor..."