Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Losk33
William Bowser: Billboard Charting Mixing Engineer | Studio Co-owner | Grammy Voting Member | AES Chapter President. Elevating artists & labels with exceptional mixes that resonate. Collaborated with Beyoncé, Rihanna, Snoop Dogg & more. Strategic music, marketing, & business guidance. www.Wbmixing.com | wbmixing@gmail.com | 240-419-7724.
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Hugh is a freelance Producer/Mixer/Engineer and works out of his own studio in at the Battery Complex in Willesden Green.
I'll give you my honest opinion on your mixes before mastering if you'd like. You can be confident I'll bring your mixes to their full potential.
Owner / Chief Mastering Engineer. 22 years in the music industry and specialize in mastering. Check out the A/B. Starts with unmastered and the mastered file is the larger waveform at the end.
Young and skillful mastering engineer with an amazing selection of analog gear and superb calibrated monitoring, ready to rock your music up!
Hi! My name is Mike Fedorov, I'm a top line melody writer. My true passion is to put all elements of your song together and bring some unique melody for the song. I really enjoy the process and always try my best for each project.
PhD on Sound Arts by the Federal University of Goias (UFG), I teach sound engineering in the Federal Institute of Science and Technology in Goias (IFG). Since 2001 I have been working as a producer, mixing engineer and sound designer for music and films. My studio is based on the countryside of Brazil, in the city of Goias, but I can work remotely.
Mixning engeneer, songwriter
Relatively new to the scene trying to put my mark in the industry. Looking to network with great artists and build my credits up. You've got to start somewhere! So, let's turn your vision into reality!
Recent Successes
"My man! Great as always!"
"Philip ... just ... gets .... it! What a wonderful professional to work with. He has an ear for detail, and can very quickly assess how to get the best out of your sound. In working with Philip you'll quickly real..."
"Great service! very professional treatment, my track managed to go to the next level, thank you very much for everything 100% recommended."
"Julia rocked it again! She keeps giving me beautiful, tasteful acoustic guitar parts each and every time."
"Doug took my rough mix and put his spin on it, bringing it to a whole new level. Loved how it turned out!"
"Martin delivered beautiful recordings of a string ensemble for me (6 firsts, 6 seconds, 4 violas, 4 celli) and I am delighted with the results. Martin was extremely easy to work with and I will be sure to work wit..."
"very nice and trustworthy person! highly recommended, I was very satisfied"
"Loved having Peter on this one he always bring that signature sound. Thanks for playing on the record."