Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Los Coast
Female vocalist with 15 years of experience recording in multiple genres including pop, lyrical/classical, jazz, and country.
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Not only a producer/song writer I run a music production company, HDXMULLA, taking a holistic approach, using all the abilities of artists regarding the art and their music, while promoting positive evolution within the hip hop community & crafting master recordings that reach the finest sonic and aesthetic quality.
Hi we are Jstmsc or just music :) If u got any questions, feel free to contact us :)
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My work is characterized by a genuine dedication to the betterment of both the project and the people involved. I am not only devoted to achieving artistic excellence but also to creating a space where everyone feels heard and valued.
I am a Brazilian music producer, based in the city of Rio de Janeiro, specialized in building Beats of Rap, Hip Hop, Pop Music, Reggaeton and Brazilian percussive rhythms. I have a studio specialized in recording, mixing and mastering. In this way, we can combine the entire musical production process centralized in one place.
I have a very low voice and a range down to A#1 on a good day:) Can't believe it? Just listen to my demos!
I have been making music for a while. It's something that I love doing and have had the privilege to work with many artists over the year. I am fast and efficient. I try to keep you posted throughout each step of the process. Don't hesitate to message me!
Digital Audio and Sound Synthesis expert.
Recent Successes
"I proved Aron with several references and a description of what I wanted and he was able to deliver it quickly! He even made some requested revisions to fit the style I was going for."
"Señor Lee knows what he’s doing. Very professional, patient, honest, and understanding. He will listen to your vision, apply every note/feedback you give him and get the job done. His price is soooooooo well wearth yo..."
"Thank you sooo much, I really love it. It's the second song with him, and I will definitely do others again! He is an excellent producer!!!! I recommend him to everyone!"
"James is a great mastering engineer, he exceeded my expectations by a mile! Work him with, you are in good hands."
"I have done more songs with Stefanie then I can count. She is by far one of the best singers I have recorded in my life, super fun to work with, extremely nice, super musical, and all and all the perfect collaborato..."
"Super professional results. You want the best? Here he is. Yuri is the real deal. Easy to communicate with, too. Incredible finished product."
"Tom is so kind and provides very helpful mixing feedback to ensure he can provide the best possible master. He knocked the master out of the park with his first try, and I will certainly be requesting his services again."
"The quality of work is next level here. I trust Andres 1000% and the notes help me so much to get the quality of my work to next step."