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Los Ángeles Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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With experiences working with Kelly Clarkson, Lil Huddy, Travis Barker, Cuco, EricDoa, Ellah Hale, Cousin Stizz, and more, I know what it takes to get your song across the finish line. Let’s work and make your song the best it can be!!
Producer for indie pop/rock.
Sound engineer and guitarist who’s best at mixing and mastering .He also composes and records his own music – instrumental melodic metal varying styles from progressive and ambidjent to metalcore.
I will record high quality guitars for your project. Looking forward to collaborate with you!
NPR-featured soloist, three-time winner of the National Mandolin Championship, Berklee College of Music scholarship graduate - Gordon combines conservatory training, virtuoso technical skill, and an obsession with infectious melodic and rhythmic improvisation to create mesmerizing and unique music
I'm a session musician from London's vibrant session scene. I've recorded in Abbey Road Studios for Howard Shore and Brian Tyler among many other film and gaming composers. I have my own studio company called Everthorpe Sounds that provides remote recordings of live orchestral instruments from my talented colleagues in the London session scene.
The drums you need to make your song complete.
With several multi-platinum and gold awards to my credits, collaborations with established artists, and an undoubted dedication to the sonic and emotional impact of music: "the most important thing for me is the emotion that comes from a song, always" , and my goal is for your music to have all of that.
Recent Successes
"MR. is a great mixer. We are super happy with his mix and he is very easy to work with. Great collaborator. And fast! We are already planning next job. "
"Amazing work again!"
"Of all the mastering engineers I’ve worked with, Camilo is by far the most passionate and animated one I’ve come across. Only thing more impressive than his drive to make sure he delivers what you asked for, is how hu..."
"Chris's credits set the bar high from the start, yet he still finds a way to go above and beyond what is expected. Not only did Chris blow me away with what he delivered, but he also made sure to effectively communica..."
"The mix coaching was a great help to get the best quality. He sent me 2 different masters giving me the option to choose the one I liked the most. Great work! "
"Austin was great to work with - super quick turnaround time, responsive, did all the revisions I asked without blinking - really happy and will definitely use again!"
"Thankyou!... So much Eddy!... The composition is so amazing. It was our second job. You delivered what I expected. Thankyou!... once again!... Regards, Lional. J."
"Excellent service, fast delivery and very good playing. Satisfied"