Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with LoneAlpha
Creating soothing soundscapes and grooves as C4MPR, My biggest success the song Shy Little Frog feat Sushisingz.
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Hello there, my name is Sebastian, but you can call me Seba! I'm a Music Producer, Mixer and DJ. I have worked in more than 400 tracks, and worked with top producers and singers and artists from all over the world. I'm an all-around music producer, working a lot of genres. You will not regret working with me! Can't wait to know about your project!
Musicians, film-makers/directors and media producers, we are at your service. Our main mission : optimize the audio beauty of your creations !
Yaklaşık 20 senedir müzik sektörünün içindeyim ve ağırlıklı olarak Elektronik, House, Pop, R&B, Rap tarzlarında doğu batı ezgilerini sentezlemeyi seviyorum. Aktif olarak farklı tarzlarda farklı sanatçılara prodüktörlük yapmaya devam ediyorum. İstenilen tarzı en iyi kalitede yapmak benim işim.
SR Home Studio. Music Production, Mixing and Mastering
I am a house and Tech house producer with several tracks signed on recognized labels. I compose, mix and master my tracks.
Professional Audio Engineer, Musician, Producer.
We take Pride in Perfectionism. Credits include the teams of Eminem, The Chainsmokers, Avicii, Afrojack, with support from R3hab, Tiesto, and more. Our work consistently graces the Beatport Charts. Work with a full team of Engineers, Editors and Producers to help you on your journey.
The greatest asset in an EDM mix and mastering engineer is the creative ability to solve issues intelligently. EDM's sparse element space requires smart management. Focus must be on how the music is felt, while still considering technical correctness. Mixing and mastering electronic music is a complex, nuanced subject needing specialized expertise.
Recent Successes
"Jessie did a 5-star job on the vocal track and backing vocals. Big thanks to her and her engineer Rob. She really put her heart into it. I couldn't be more pleased. And she was kind enough to work with me on my specif..."
"Caroline did a fantastic job with recording cinematic vocals for my track. Her communication was very nice, quick and professional. She delivered high quality recordings and did everything according to my brief. There..."
"Super great to work with! Communicating with him was Kuyano was very easy and he knew exactly how to get the sound I was looking for! Highly recommended 👍"
"Ben is amazing! He just does exactly what you request of him and delivers on time. He is also great at communicating and makes sure that he has all the correct inforrmation before starting to ensure thr best outcome. ..."
"Pablo is a great drummer and easy to work with! The communication is always there and it he really knows how to fit the groove of the song. Can't recommend enough!"
"Excellent Job. Rolipso made everything we wanted in one revision. Very fast and professional. Highly recommended!"
"Rafael is very professional, dedicated, precize and just pleasant and kind to work with. Always prepared to answer questions and give advice or his view on a mix, before the mastering stage. "I will never master mysel..."
"Denny's amazing to work with! Got a beautiful and full voice/range. He basically got the entire track down on the first pass - which doesn't happen always. BUT when it does you know it's something special. Songwriting..."
"Paul is a pro. Extremely fast and so much fun. Been working with Paul on many projects for years. He's awesome"