Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with London Voices
World-class operatic and classical soprano offering solo and choral vocals, from soaring opera arias to lush choral arrangements and everything in between! I am the featured vocal artist on the debut album by Vince Clarke (Depeche Mode/Erasure), "Songs of Silence", and can often be found session singing at Abbey Road Studios.
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George Aspiotis is a gold winning mixer/mastering engineer, and record producer in rock music for bands and artists since 1993. He began recording and mixing music at the young ages on a Neve 8078, and SSL 4k consoles. He is a multi instrumentalist musician and he has more than 100k Hours in studio recording and more than 250 albums as ...
Great Quality, Certified Audio Engineer, lets capture some great music!
Hallo, my name is Tobias. I am looking forward to connecting with people that are interested in working with me for their films, video games, and trailers. I love music and I love sound design! You can find my website at http://www.tobiasknieling.com
We provide a sonic representation of brands and ideas. Specialising in producing background music/Sound Design for animation and film. In addition to this, producing music for artists of varying genres and Audio Mixing and Mastering services.
The Studio is a spacious, warm, vibey recording studio located in downtown Los Angeles, inspired by the vibe of Electric Lady Studios in NY & the space of Abbey Road Studios in London. We have a state-of-the-art 16 channel Neve Genesys G32 recording console (fully loaded with EQ and Dynamics on every channel).
I am a mastering engineer from Grand Rapids, MI currently enrolled at Vanderbilt University.
Need your song to sound crisp, punchy and professional ? I got you!
Fast and reliable to my customers. 4 years of experience in the field, efficiency and effectiveness.
Recent Successes
"I found Dyna to be a very hard working and dedicated sing...I mean sanger. This girl can sang! She gave me the powerful bgv vocals I was looking for. Excellent communication and patience. I will contact her again."
"Eddy crushed the mix and master for me with this one, so much so that we didn't want any revisions and sent it straight to the labels we like for signing. This man is a beast!"
"If you want a polished pro sound the Dr. Is who you call. I have been amazed and extremely pleased with every song he has mixed for me. I am super appreciative of his willingness to go the extra mile explaining his pr..."
"Jez worked quickly and professionally with mixes that weren't in an ideal state, and the end result sounds much improved. Great communication too - I'd recommend."
"I am so happy to have found Cheshy to sing lead on my cover version of a Jerry Reed song. She returned an amazing performance with a huge variety of vocal stems/tracks to chose from. Cheshy delivered way more than exp..."
"Always choose him "
"Always such a great experience working with Emiliano! Great playing and smooth communication! "
"My first time Working with Maria! She is a very good player, she has a beutiful sound, great quality recording and she is very commited with the dead lines! For sure We will work again! Gracias!!!!"