Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with B-HAVE
MMLAP Certified Mixing and Mastering Engineer. I have been producing music since 2020, and mixing and mastering since 2021. In 2024, I passed the rigorous three part exam process through MMLAP (Mix and Master Like A Pro). Since then, I have focused on building a portfolio that demonstrates the knowledge and skills I have obtain over the years.
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Being highly passionate of music, producing, mixing & mastering there is no better audio engineer then Kevin Meurer for the price of his quality sounds. With 8 years experience in audio engineering Kevin has developed to be one of the top engineers in Staten Island, New York being very well respected in his community.
Gabe On Tha Engineer is a production and audio engineering business owned by Gabriel Pearson, currently located in Silver Spring Maryland. He believes that the greatest sound comes from working outside of the typical template. He strives to be original with every sound he creates, CLOSELY partnering with his clients to produce the best material.
I take where you left off and finish it! Inspiring and modern sound with analog depth. Mix within the week. Production depends on what needs to be done. Daily feedback. Can adapt to budget within reason. Genre fluid. Looking for great artists to work with!
Let's get your project mixed!
Hi! My name is Ozzus! I am an independent artist who has an arrange of sounds and songs! I am willing to be apart of any project and able to meet any and all deadlines! I can write and perform hooks, choruses, verses, and much more things.
Awards 'TOP SINGER AND SONGWRITTER'. I have been a professional vocalist, guitarist, pianist, musician and songwritter for more than 10+years. I have a Bachelor at the prestigious school BIMM London specializing as a professional musician.
Graduate of The BlackBird Academy in Nashville, TN. Let me use my 4+ years of experience to elevate your track to a professional standard.
I'm a 3 time platinum music producer with over 100 million streams and award winning film composer.
Recent Successes
"Easy to work with. Does excellent work!"
"Nate did another incredible job, between the 3 takes he provided me for each song I didn't even need revisions either track."
"V helpful, v good - quick response and effective. Great. "
"Sefi was very patient with my requests and helpful so my vision was fully realized. Professional sound and overall quality!"
"Wes was attentive, detailed, and brought an amazing sounding master for my mix. Would recommend to anyone looking for high quality and care. Thanks!"
"I had a great experience working with Austin; I felt that my project was missing something, and Austin turned it into a track I genuinely love! From the level of professionalism, knowledge, communication and effort, y..."
"A true gent, a legend of the drums - King of Toms! Nate nailed it, and made the whole process feel like the first time you buy a beer and hear live music and realize your heart is lost forever."
"they’re on the best producers i’ve ever had the privilege of working with. always kills it, so lucky to have found them! "
"William is the go to guy if you looking for the best results, He took his time and listening and understanding, What I was looking for and I can tell you this guy went way out his way and beyond. I’ll be back Will app..."
"This is the 9th song we've worked on together and I continue to learn more about Fabian's expertise each time. He is a true professional that produces great results at every turn. I look forward to working with him ..."