Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with #LoboEstepario
I have collaborated with 117+ local, national and international independent artists, focused on elevating the quality of their voices and songs. We specialize in vocal editing, mixing and mastering, covering genres such as Hip Hop, Urban Music, Pop and regional music. We have a wide catalog of musical hits.
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I am a musician, producer and have been doing these for over 20 years now. Got great job opportunities to work for film and music projects and have generated skills for composing, arranging, mixing and mastering to be able to deliver ready finish products for media. Can make your music sound at a very professional and competitive level.
Doing Free song mixing this month only!! Thanks for checking out my profile! With experience working in multiple Billboard top 40 studios, we can make the next hit :) Right now I am building my Discography and will be Mixing songs for free! I'm just an email away.
Mastering Music For Radio Stations And Artist Around The World
Catchy hooklines, piano & analog synth recordings, electric bass & voices.
Independent music producer, composer, singer/songwriter, and musician in Anchorage, AK.
Based in Melbourne Australia with decades of experience as a session musician and scores for radio, television and film.
I AM a Mastering Engineer able to mix or master your music to the 10th Power of it's kind. Hire me for Mixing Or Mastering Services. fast turn-around. I do work for Swagg Siti Entertainment, Nashville, TN I now produce and engineer for F1S Entertainment. Kamwood Hitz, produced music for K-RUSH, Ghosty Locks. Yung C. KING of The Loud WARS!!!
I have collaborated with 117+ local, national and international independent artists, focused on elevating the quality of their voices and songs. We specialize in vocal editing, mixing and mastering, covering genres such as Hip Hop, Urban Music, Pop and regional music. We have a wide catalog of musical hits.
Recent Successes
"Micheal is a fast andestanding Vesres ; Choruses :timbre and karakter of the music. fast replying during process: higly recomended for youre songs he wil handle it as his own work / veryy happy for the result !..."
"Nate just rocks! It's such a joy to get drum tracks that sound like they could have come from some of my favorite drummers of all time. And he's extremely quick!"
"His fiddle tracks were do spot on that I hired him 15 minutes later for mandolin. And he delivered the goods on that, too. Very solid player who delivers very promptly. No headaches for crazy producers like me!"
"Always fantastic! Thank you Michael. this time doing piano track and lead sheet for opera level singers. Wonderful. "
"Thank you Austin for your patience, i always have the feeling of getting better while working with you!"
"After countless jobs with Eileen we are continuously amazed at the quality level and her relentless passion for everything she does- large or small. Not only is she working at the highest levels of professionalism, s..."
"Amazing, fast, talented - Ryan is an absolute godsend and the consummate professional! He worked through multiple options in a very fast, thorough turnaround and treated my song like his own. Can't wait to work with h..."
"Josh was absolutely amazing! He delivered the project professionally, on time and sounding crisp! I will definitely be coming back in the future to work with Josh again!! "
"He Mixed my song to the next level! This man knows what he's doin! def coming back for more"