Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lloyd Cole And The Commotions
I've worked with The Cure, Tricky, Pnau, David Byrne, Neneh Cherry, Erasure, Cyndi Lauper, The Human League, Alison Moyet, Marilyn Manson, David Bowie & Mick Jagger, Siouxsie & The Banshees, Robert Plant, The Mission, Marcella Detroit, John Lydon, Yazz, Yazoo, Femi Kuti, Lisa Stansfield, The Chameleons, Depeche Mode, & The Sugarcubes.
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We´ve been working on this since year 2000. Tons of albums of different styles (from HxC to Classical, Metal or Country). We just love what we do!. We´ve worked w/ artist that have been nominee to Latin Grammys, or TheVoice winner, but small bands too with a lot of potential.
I've had the honor to record for top producers including Ken Caillat (Fleetwood Mac, Michael Jackson), Mikal Blue (Jason Mraz, OneRepublic) and work with guitar legends like Vince Gill and Joe Bonamassa.
Pro Sound at a fair price!
Clients include - Wheatus, The Brian Jonestown Massacre, Mike Doughty, Space, The Hushtones.
Over 20 years experience in the music industry, toured with some of the top artists in the genre. Such names like; Shaggy, Sean Paul, T.O.K, Anthony B, just to name a few. I've also produced and mixed tracks for T.O.K, Sean Paul, Jimmy Cliff, Beenie Man... and more.
Audio specialist, Mixing engineer, top Quality.
Virtual Rachit is a Musical Artist, Composer, and Producer from Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.
+6 years experienced music producer & audio engineer. I can make your music sound professional and clean.
Recent Successes
"Amazing job! Very flexible and she delivered quality vocals in a few days."
"Mark is very easy to communicate and very professional. He can follow my idea and provide his bass line to make the song sounds better, He even provide many tracks for me to select the one i like. He did this within f..."
"Jimmy is a mad genius producer, mixer, musician. We find the best producers are the ones who live, breath and play music. Jimmy's instrumentalist roots and deep knowledge of multiple genres makes him the ideal collabo..."
"The consummate professional. Levi was first guy I worked with on Soundbetter and totally blew it out the park. Did an amazing job and was super impressed by his talent and diversity as a singer. highly recommended! "
"3 years maybe 30 to 40 beats later, this guy is the best beat producer we believe globally, continually makes epicness"
"There's nothing like listening to drums for the first time on a track. My head (and heart) exploded upon first listen to the take given to me by Dennis. You see, Dennis Holt is a musician of the highest order. A lot o..."
"A pleasure to work with! Has an amazing talent and work ethic! Works very hard and diligently to get exactly what you want. Would definitely work with him again! "
"Ben is a great guy to work with! Very talented, easy to communicate with, he understands directly what I am looking for and I have learned a lot from him about recording and guitar techniques."
"Christian does a superb job as a sound engineer. He cares about details and tries to understand the meaning of the music he is working with. He has great technical mastery and can take the tracks into a high level. I ..."
"Had an excellent first experience with Matt. Exceeded my expectations with a clear and cohesive mix with over 80 tracks, and helped me feel twice as confident about it going into mastering. Hope to work with him again!"
"It was a pleasure working with Nikos. Delivery was very fast and he provided me with a set of beautiful recordings. Great musicianship. Highly recommend, 5 stars."