Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Living In Fiction
I am open for Songwriting, Producing, Mixing, and Mastering. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5l4uzjBQO4BbmwoAwof9Mo?si=e5d-N4WpSPG338_svZUHmA
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Mikas is a digital music specialist and an audio entrepreneur. His journey into Electronic Music started in the 1990s as a DJ, promoter and producer. He has dedicated more than 20 000 hours producing music for himself and his clients, perfecting his craft to excel in mix engineering and mastering electronic music and beyond.
My name's Matt G. - singer/songwriter, musician, and multi-instrumentalist from New York Writing, recording, and performing professionally for ~10 years
I specialize in Hip Hop/R&B, Pop and Dance but can take on any genre. Whatever you track needs from a vocal mix with a stereo instrumental to a fully tracked out session. I will take your music to its full potential and final stage. Ill make it sound clean, big, full and exciting bringing it to industry quality.
20 years of work experience as a Music Producer, Music Arranger and a Sound Designer based in Mumbai working in Bollywood and Independent music of all genres.
Verified Artist on Spotify. Fashion Designer with Alive Shoes. Excel in Recording Engineering, Songwriter. For The Money ; For The Pain. Successful Album Production 3:33 "Greatness Will Arise" for Indie Artist "Johnny $tone".
Los Angeles-based producer with a gold record, millions of streams, commercial syncs, and an ear for making your music sound uniquely you.
The best songwriter you don't know (yet). Multiple time semifinalist for American Songwriter Song Contest, unique singer-songwriter production. Songs used by Netflix, Coca Cola, and streamed over 20 million times.
Unlock Your Sound’s Full Potential with Professional Mixing!
Recent Successes
"Very good communication with Sanura throughout the project. She understood what we wanted and even went the extra mile. Very happy with the collaboration and would def. work again with her."
"Austin is very professional and patient and will provide the best quality sound and music available whatever your needs. I am very happy with his service!"
"Marc made the song better right away and was very easy to work with. Glad we worked with him. - Punch Douglas"
"Great work! Good communicator with attention to detail and friendly. We will be using his services again."
"This is the second time that I trust Jonathan, he made me a good bass for my music."
"It was such a pleasant experience to work with Myah! Very professional and talented artist! The vocals were spot on! Thank you so much to be part of our journey! "
"Nailed the vocals for my project! He has an incredible voice and tone. Definitely recommend him for all your vocalist needs!"
"If I could give more stars, I would. The only way Larry could have been more responsive would have been to be here in my studio with me. He had great ideas and was very open to any suggestions from me. I will be using..."
"I did this song, thinking I'd keep it raw Noone can mix and master my voice perfectly , he overexceeded my expectations. Definitely my go to from hear on out!"