Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lion Heights
Top-level mix & master engineer, instrumentalist. Produced for Steel Pulse,Iya Terra,Alborosie,Stick Figure, Iration, Rebelution,SOJA, KBong,Tribal Seeds,Slightly Stoopid,Trevor Hall ,Mykal Rose ,The Elovators ,Arise Roots ,Sizzla, Lutan Fyah, Chezidek, Duane Stephenson, Eli Mac, Dre Island,Leilani Wolfgramm,Inna Vision,Million Styles,Gonzo, &more
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Hi! I'm a multi-instrumentalist-producer-engineer-type person :) I split my time between recording & producing music for clients, doing live sound for Jordan Music Entertainment, and touring the country with my band Hirie.
Original Afro-vibe Machine
If you are looking for a new POP/EDM track or need help with creating new ideas that catch peoples attention, you found the right person. I am Christian (27) from Utrecht and I'm producing for 8 years now. Harmony and perfection is what drives me. Quality above quantity, no cure no pay!
Lovers of music and especially synthesizers, deep bass and dreamy voices, Amphitryon learns and enriches the sounds that surround it. Dreamer, for him the music is above all a way to escape and create his own journey.
I will write, sing, mix, or produce your song.
Trumpet player in all styles, classical, jazz (improv), Latin, R&B/Soul, blues, etc. Available for live performance, recording, and instruction. Bb, C, D, Eb, Piccolo trumpets, flugelhorn.
A young engineer eager to mix and master more records to the futuristic standard of tomorrow.
In July 2023 Future Leap Clifton opened brand new carbon neutral media studios including podcast recording facilities with audio and filming capability. The studios are bookable by the hour with audio and visual equipment included and the option to hire in additional specialist kit from our equipment partners.
Recent Successes
"Rob is super popular on here for a reason. His communication is great and the quality of his work never ceases to amaze. He's open to suggestions and will help guide you towards the best possible version of your vision. "
"JayyDee's voice was perfect for my track, I tracked him down and knew it would be the ideal fit. He's hustling, taking on a bit more than he can handle at the moment - it was tough getting a hold of him for a bit, and..."
"Juan is an excellent musician !! Of great technical quality and exquisite sensitivity, capable of working magic with your piano and keyboards. Friendly, personable and very communicative. I have loved working with hi..."
"Rudger is a Prime Example of the rock vocalist you need to work with for your music. Rudiger is kind, respectful to your ideas, and is willing to work with you to make the work be about the greatness of the song. His ..."
"Justo, was absolutely amazing. He took my story and turned it into the most beautiful song. His creativity and acoustic abilities were clearly demonstrated in how he composed and produced this incredible song. I would..."
"EILEEN turned my project around quickly, and with style. I produced a melodic house track for the purpose of a demo, and really wanted something more than off-the-shelf vocal samples. This track has a whole life to it..."
"I was stuck for guitar ideas and so asked Greg for some inspiration, which he totally delivered. He came up with several parts, all in service of the song, and paying attention to the general vibe that I tried to expl..."
"Working with Riley has been a pleasure. We faced a real challenge with a tricky timing issue in our track, but Riley's patience was quite helpful. He never gave up, we bounced ideas back and forth with ease and ultima..."
"Nate is a true master at what he does. Never once I had to worry about what he would deliver to me. I put it in his hands and he delivered each and every time. Thanks Nate for making this a most memorable journey."