Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lily Vakili
I'm a composer and multi-instrumentalist with a bachelors degree in music education, turning my 20 years of experience as a band leader and musical diplomat into the real-world skills that will translate your musical ideas into a meaningful work of art you can take pride in, regardless of your skill level. Let's turn your idea into a finished work.
100+ Record Dates with Multiple Genres, including Blackbird Studios, Sound On Sound.
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Let me help you get the sound you're looking for! No matter how long it takes, I strive to never leave an unhappy client and will make it my personal responsibility to make sure you're happy with the result.
In music she found her best friend. www.youtube.com/dayanekin
Clouddrop Poduction
Ginetta's Vendetta - Once you hire her, your musical worries are Over!!!!
Graduated from Interlochen Arts Academy in the Jazz Piano program. Then graduated from Berklee College of Music with a dual degree of Music Production & Engineering and Film Scoring.
Your sound is unique and so are we! Spectrum Sound Lab is a purpose built analog post production audio mixing studio. We utilize all the best high end vintage gear and effects along with the convenience of modern digital technology. This approach allows us to achieve more depth, width and an overall sweeter 3D sound.
Versatile Music Producer, Composer, and Sound Designer with 15+ years of experience. Specializing in music production. I'm also a skilled singer, songwriter, and filmmaker. With BA in Music and Sonic Media and MA in Filmmaking, I bring a deep understanding of audio and visual artistry to your projects.
Recent Successes
"I love the lyrics and Scott's vocal, goes real well with my song! Very flexible, creative, fast delivery, love to work with him more. Highly recommend :)"
"Mastered has delivered beautiful Master - full of live and dynamics but still loud and coherent. He sensed immediately what were my intentions. Highly recommended PRO"
"Kevin was extremely helpful and displayed outstanding professionalism despite my lack of knowledge on Mastering. He works very fast and delivered high quality in his work. I couldn't ask for a better first time experi..."
"Danilo understood what I needed for the track and quickly sent me two recordings with all the variations I requested, just as if we were in the same studio. The song already had congas looped, we deleted loops and we ..."
"An absolute joy working with Julia again. Her playing fits in perfectly with the style of the song. Looking forward to working with her again. "
"Achilles is an absolute professional and will make you Sound Better!"
"Patrick consistently delivers quality and beautiful work. His technical skills mixed with his talented musicianship is a rare combination in my experience!"
"Alvin did a superb job! I asked if he could do multiple short recordings on a few tracks I provided. I'm not an arranger, so he had to figure out his parts by ear and midi files.. But he was kind and flexible enough t..."
"Kyle is epic. As a childhood friend of mine used to say: "DOUBLE EPIC!" Seriously though, Kyle is the GOAT! A+"
"To be honest, Elliot was amazing with not only his work, but his communication. I am lucky to have found a mastering engineer like him, and I will probably keep using his services. He’s an amazing person!"