Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lil Riyu
Hip Hop song writer & Recording Artist Wrote 2 full Albums Been Featured on 4 different Albums Feature on Street Money single Official ft Rap Artist Young Al
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Degree in audio production from the Federal University of Parana Teaches techniques of mixing and mastering Independent producer and consultant for audio, contributing to many songs and albums. Sound designer for films (short, medium and long)
I am a professional recording engineer/producer with 30 years experience.
Contact me to get your new album radio ready. I specialize in trap/rap music but have worked on many genres.
Music producer & lyrics songwriter
Hire David to play a variety of instruments on your songs, including guitar, vocals, harmonies, bass, drums, keyboards and organs. Can record remotely, mix and produce a song of your choice. Favourite Genres: Folk, Soul, Rock, Psychedelic, Alt Country, Roots
Radio Ready Mix and Master
Experienced mixer and producer, who loves bringing musical visions to life; I am deeply committed to each project, ensuring that your music not only sounds professional but also carries a deep emotional resonance. I love collaborating with new people, and am comfortable in a wide range of genres. Experienced with pop, cinematic music, and more.
I know it can be terrifying to hand your hard work over to someone else, so let me treat it like it's one of my own projects.
Recent Successes
"This is the second project Roger and I have worked on. He is polite, professional and prompt. I can strongly recommend him from my experience!"
"Wow this is around the 10th project Marcelo has worked on for me,and he still manages to deliver unique outstanding quality work on each project. He is a pure genius . Thank you JazzyD"
"I can’t thank Austin enough. He did a perfectly mix and master job. I was blown away when I heard the final result. And I would hire him 10 x over because he also provides unlimited revisions. "
"Bob was very communicative and attentive while he was working on music for my lyrics. He caught on to the vision I wanted and delivered a gorgeous instrumental. Hoping to work with him again soon!"
" Outstanding work ! Andres is my 1# guy ! Always "
"No podria estar mas satisfecho con el trabajo de Pino. Es un grandioso arreglista y productor. Extremadamente recomendado."
"I was very pleased with Isaac on this song. I hadn't done music in a few years, and kind of lost the fire. But after working with Isaac i'm glad to be getting back to it. Can't wait to work with him again."
"Sergio is very creative and his chops are up there. His trumpet solo on my song is supreme!"
"And again! It's more than great working with Paul. He's so talented and creative - it's fun! :)"
"Daniel is Amazing! Absolutely incredible with any genre. Our studio has sent him Latin, Pop, Rock, R&B, and HE KILLS IT every time whether that be acoustics or electrics, its just incredible. Thank you Daniel! "