Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with light motiv
1+ Billion Streams | Acclaimed Producer & Audio Engineer. With over a decade of experience, specializing in mastering that brings music to life. My work spans genres, from chart-topping pop hits to gritty hip-hop gems.
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Glenn Schick Mastering is a state-of-the-art facility, located in Atlanta, GA. Glenn Schick Mastering combines an experienced & innovative technical management team with cutting-edge equipment that allows our engineers to provide acoustical accuracy to meet your highest expectations.
Hi my name is Victor.I was introduced to music at a young age. My family all sings and grew up with a variety of music genres. I've been recoding and mixing for a couple years now and have a home studio. Im currently going to school for audio in order to take myself to another level in pursue of achieving all my goals.
Innovative, versatile and creative producer with no limits genre wise.
“Armen's music is alive and unique, adventurous and beautiful.” Chick Corea
Expert drummer (playing my whole life!) and decent singer. Couldn't possibly describe in 300 characters but let's just say I'm fresh and original imho. I'm a rocket scientist who's a creative type so whether your project is simple or complex I'm excited to work with you.
Produced and mixed the track "Alina Baraz - Make you Feel (Kerala remix)" . Track got released officially by UltraMusic and has over 6 million plays on digital platforms.
Musical performance award winner.
Session Singer / Voiceover Artist / Songwriter who has worked with Post Malone, John Legend, Ariana Grande, Chaka Khan, Pat Benatar, Neil Gerardo, Fergie, Ciara, Leslie Odom Jr., and brands such as Google / YouTube, Spotify, AXE, NBC, ABC, FOX, and Sony Animation Studios. I recently competed on Season 21 of NBC's The Voice placing in the Top 32!
Recent Successes
"Working with Ezequiel is such a brilliant experience , we have done so many tracks now that he can read my mind , and knows exactly what style of bass my tracks need. Eze you are truly amazing sir it is such a honor t..."
"Great work, very professional! "
"I hired Nelson for his vocals in order to create a demo of a song I wrote in the style of Merle Haggard and the iconic trad country sound which he nailed. Then, someone I hired via a friend didn't do the job required..."
"What can I say? Will is A GENIUS! He wrote the most beautiful song for me with the most stunning lyrics and the catchiest melody, and to top it off, he was so incredibly easy to work with, getting it right straight aw..."
"Stefano's performance of a 1958 C3 Hammond sent chills through my body and had me jumping up and down in my studio. He is that good!"
"I had a very positive experience working with Anna. She is very professional and has a great sense of melody and provided some really great lyrics as well. There is a lot of power and emotion in her voice which really..."