Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Liam Jones
I am a young and hungry musician/engineer looking to work on anything I can get my hands on. I love music with a burning passion, I will dedicate my life to your record. I grew up in a studio and in the industry so I know my way around. I promise you will get that professional sound while staying within your budget.
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Producer based in Nashville, TN.
I am a versatile vocalist with the ability to arrange for and perform in pop, jazz, rock, and big band settings.
2 UK Top 40, 9 Club Chart Number 1, 30 year career in House Music
Academic Writing Services
Grew from the slums chasing bread and all it's crums to feed family and friends, I learnt that from my moms. She told me to stay humble and never change been this since day one not sure ask a day one.
Singer, Songwriter Worked with many producers and release my own music. I´d love to be the singer in your song where a modern and soulful voice is needed. Me and my team also write and compose English and German lyrics, melodies, top-line and record vocals over your production. I specialize in Pop and EDM.
I gained experience while being producer/engineer for Post Animal, and other artists in the Chicago/Midwest area. I have evolved into an eclectic style, blending classic sounds with modern processes to taste - often complimented on the depth and live energy of my mixes. Always down to insert myself but I know how to be transparent!
Independant Studio owner helping Artists make their visions come to life
Recent Successes
"It was an amazing experience working with Austin. The soundtrack sounded just like I wanted. Would love to work again in the future."
"Ken is a highly talented engineer with an incredible ear. His mixdowns and masters are always top notch! He's always very responsive to my feedback and really helps me execute my creative vision. If you want extremely..."
"Such a pleasure working with Philip again! Best of the best in my books! "
"Kevin provided me with an additional element. I had an idea to add a female vocalist to my track. He found one that added a stellar spice to my track. Thanks again Kevin. I will be back real soon. Best Regards,..."
"Working again with Undy was amazing, I am really happy with her Performance in my track, she was able to understand my idea and bring it to life and I know with her vocals my track is going to sound amazing. she is ve..."
"Gabe is a master of his craft! He took on a challenging job and nailed it perfectly. I would highly recommend him if you're seeking someone to think creatively and deliver exceptional results. Rating: 5/5."
"Markiss is one seriously exceptional producer and mixing/mastering engineer. Having worked with a bunch of pros, he's the one who really stands out. Team up with him, and your music gets an instant boost in the "wow" ..."
"Tom is skilled, creative and dedicated producer! The production and mixing quality of the track was nothing short of top-notch, showcasing a meticulous attention to every detail! Highly recommended!"