Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lgante
I'm a professional bass player, session musician, producer, and multi instrumentalist from Buenos Aires, i’ve a deep knowledge playing and producing various genres such as Pop, Hip Hop, Funk, Soul, RnB, Jazz, Rock, among many others. My strongness is making grooving, modern basslines. July and September Discounted Price, DM for more information.
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Brazilian drummer graduated in music production and a mixing/masterinh enthusiast
Hi there, I have obtained a Diploma in Audio Engineering and have a high end collection of Producing, mixing and mastering Software. Competent user of Reason and Protools. Confident that I can make ur mixes sound high quality and also open to writing and producing music, beats etc
Jordan Chavous is a Jersey based, freelance bass player. Since graduating from Eastern University in 2015, Jordan has gone on to perform around the country and be featured on various recording projects. Additionally, Jordan is the host and creator of the podcast, Convos with Jordan Chavous, not streaming on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
Programming is my life. And with programming I started to listen to many kinds of music. I love music so I started to make mixes for me to work but I realized, that not just me like it :)
Entra la sección de péndulos y veras las mejores ofertas que tenemos con tan solo hacer un clic aquí. Funcionan estupendamente y serán un regalo muy especial y original. Las piedras de los chakras son un artículo muy apreciado, por ejemplo en forma de pulseras de piedras o pulseras con piedras naturales
I'm a professional bass player, session musician, producer, and multi instrumentalist from Buenos Aires, i’ve a deep knowledge playing and producing various genres such as Pop, Hip Hop, Funk, Soul, RnB, Jazz, Rock, among many others. My strongness is making grooving, modern basslines. July and September Discounted Price, DM for more information.
Singer-songwriter with a passion for creating music that makes the listener feel strong, authentic emotions. The goal is to transform your vision into a beautiful masterpiece, with a decent music theory background and strong relative pitch to help produce harmonies and clean vocals. I've produced music for a local artist, Elizabeth Lee.
Recent Successes
"I have given Aubrey a project that was very difficult and time consuming , but she worked very hard at it until completion. Delivering as always an outstanding finish. Showing me that she stands by every jo..."
"I hired Natalis as the producer of The Rumba Kings for a new Latin single I’m producing for the band. She was professional through the process, was delightful to work with, and delivered final tracks on time with no ..."
"This was probably the most difficult song to sing of em all since it was eastern sort of harmonic minor and all tht harmonical chaos which goes along but for Chandler it was a piece of cake ! No boundaries, no limits ..."
"It is always difficult to work from a distance but at all times he has been very attentive and aware of me and my project, he is a great producer and even though there are better singers on the platform, he has a very..."
"Talented rapper ! Easy to work with and fast. Def recommend "
"Brilliant to work and highly recommend, would definitely use for ongoing work. "