Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Levi McGrath
Jazz trained Pianist, Producer and Songwriter/Arranger. Performed in New York City, San Diego, and Australian East Coast (Melbourne, Sydney, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast). Sessioned for Asheis, Levi McGrath, Andi Hillman, Sidney Rose. Produced for the artist B.G.B Composed over award winning film "Skin" by Jarid Seymour
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I've been playing drums for more than 20 years and I've been recording, mixing for 8 years. I like reverb, echo, fuzz and live recordings !
I'm a recording/mixing engineer, post-production editor, and occasional composer located in Chicago, IL. I run an at-home operation, but when called upon to work with a large amount of equipment/musicians (bands or orchestra's), I am able to refer clients to local studios, and we go from there.
Producer, Mix, and Mastering Engineer for Pop, House, Indie Dance, and Hip Hop, let's embrace your distinctive sonic identity and take your music to another level!
A multi-genre vocalist, instrumentalist, songwriter, topliner, composer/producer, and Berklee College of Music Graduate!
Hey yo, I'm Koushik Venkat, pretty much a bedroom songwriter & a producer, i sing, produce, write and mix my tracks.
Latin Grammy-Nominated Producer-Engineer, 9x Multi-Platinum® Certified Billboard-charting Over 3 Billion Streams - YouTube-Views
Michael assist your writing need
With 20 years experience and an education from ICØN Collective, I’m your EDM mixing & mastering specialist. Committed to delivering pristine soundscapes, I’m here to ensure your tracks don’t just play, but they resonate. Let’s transform your music together.
Recent Successes
"Reana has great control of her voice and a fascinating ear for melodies. The tone of her voice and her range are incredible. Very good at communicating and delivering on schedule. And was very accommodating with my fu..."
"Marc is truly a genius among mixers. It's easier when the raw files are perfect, but the true test is achieving competitive, broadcast/radio-level results with files that are significantly less than perfect. We couldn..."
"He killed it! I highly recommend. Was a super easy experience working with him and he nailed it on the first try. Left thoughtful feedback too which I appreciated. "
"Dibs is an outstanding artist and a phenomenal musician. It's an absolute blast to work with a talented individual. Dibs, Thank you for all the hours you put in. I highly recommend he's work. "
"Great working with Mercedes, good understanding and feeling of the project, delivered top quality work, a true pro and highly recommended!"
"Ben delivered a creative and incredibly detailed mix and master. He somehow turned a messy project into an actual song! He is meticulous and noticed things with our stems that we didn't even notice. Honestly can't ..."
"Can't get enough of Gal And his incredible grooves. He sends an extensive array of tonal options to choose from,( via multiple mic's and mic placement) which makes fine tuning the sound of his kit to yours song easy a..."
"Nico killed it & really made this son come to life! Thank you so much Nico. I recommend to anyone & everyone."
"Excellent work and fast turnaround with revisions! Will be working with him more! :) "