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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lenskiy
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Hi there! I'm Roberto Mallo, live and studio sound engineer. I'm from A Coruña (Galicia, Spain) and currently based in Manchester.
I'm a producer & beat creator from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. I have done multiple big pop productions as well as beats for rappers and other artists.
I have experience working with electronic, pop and hiphop music.
I create soulful music.
I have engineered, mixed and played on a multitude of albums for artists such as; Band of Skulls, Caitlyn Smith, Marc Broussard, Bones Owens, Goodbye June, Matthew Mayfield, Sadler Vaden (Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit), Griffin House, Lovedrug, House of Heroes, Relient K, Anna Rose, Leagues and Hannah Wicklund to name a few. Let's Make some music!
Ale Mora has performed at world-renowned festivals such as Tomorrowland, Ultra Music Festival, Sunburn and many others. His music producing credits fall no short of his list of massive performances having worked with artists such as Laidback Luke on there hit single Milkshake or producing the track Forever for K-POP sensation Jay Park.
A Cappella or Accompanied Covers? We can do it for you. We're a team of Vocal Arrangers, Vocal Editors, Mixing, and Mastering Engineers.
Remote Mix Engineer with 7+ years experience, over 500,000 streams, and owner of independent Midwest record label, Wally Opus Records. Mixed for Para Doc, The Chugs, Atlas of the Dogs, and Swamp Eyes to name a few. Always looking for exciting new artists to work with!
Recent Successes
"Having hired Sefi for mixing and mastering nine of my tracks so far, I am pleased to note that the results have been truly stunning. The quality of his work has been exceptional so I look very much forward to continui..."
"After some nightmarish experiences with past producers, Matt's professionalism and responsiveness was a genuine breath of fresh air. He was open to our ideas and even brought his own to the table when he saw fit. ..."
"This was my second project with Rob and he predictably smashed it...again. Now my go to mixer, he's quick, super talented, has excellent communication and gets the feel of the song straight away. I can't recommend hig..."
"Chad as always did an AWESOME job, great guy to work with and very happy with the results, looking forward to the next time."
"Sara is simply an outstanding artist with an amazing passion for her craft. One of the best vocalists on the planet, IMHO. She is very professional and working with her is always an awesome experience. 100 stars in my..."
"If u wanna have a Master, that stands out from the rest - Rogan is your man. Highly experienced, tasteful and on top a super friendly dude. Absolutely recommended. I‘ll be back."
"Steven been amazing! seriously the best engineer i worked with and great producer too. its always great to work who is also a musical expert as well. just ordering the next one and that should tell you about my expr..."
"Awesome work as usual with Alex!! He continues to deliver outstanding work and is SO easy to work with... He answers all my questions without delay..."
"Joe is an excellent composer . He understands the song and fills in the groove perfectly. He is super easy to work with and would go an extra mile to get what you need!"
"Spencer is the best that's our second album working together. His feel for the music and understanding harmony was vital bringing our musical vision to reality. He is also extremely patient. Thank you on behalf of the..."