Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Leandro Sayanes
I'm Leo Cabrera, and I help independent songwriters, singers, and music producers boost their songs by recording custom drums recorded remotely by a real drummer.
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Brian Hammermeister has over a decade of production and audio engineering experience, as well as a wealth of technical knowledge. He has worked with some of the top Gospel and Blues players in Chicago including Terry Moore, Richard Gibbs, Khari Parker, Sunday Best's Maurice Griffin, Melvin Taylor, Studebaker John, Wil Crosby among many others
Let Me Write Lyrics to Your Music, Sing and/Or Rap your song Nice Genre Range
I never use the same drum samples & I make my eq's unique to the sound that I'm working with. Therefore, my production catalog is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get! I'm currently Rev. da IV's in-house producer and engineer.
Engineered and co-produced Behemoth's new album "Opvs Contra Natvram". My sound: organic, punchy and true. I'm a multi-instrumentalist with a great understanding of music. My goal is to reinforce the musicality of the track through various technical processes. The artist and their music always come first.
I offer mixing and mastering services specializing in House music, electronic dance music, hip hop and all things that need that club quality mix down. I work with your budget and do what ever I can to make you happy with how your project sounds. Free mastering with all mix downs.
Fast, Efficient, Thorough, Unique. If you’re looking for a best for your next project thennlook no further.
I put my heart and soul into all my projects. Let's talk about your ideas and vision. Let's push new boundaries!
Notice when the canvas ends and get it for free!
Recent Successes
"total pro, really fast turn around and excellent results. Highly recommend working with him!"
"Awesome experience! Working with Vic is really great, he is very professional, very attentive and the communication is just perfect! I really recommend Vic! 5 stars. And I really hope I can start again soon!"
"It's just so good to have found someone who understands you personally and musically. Camilo gilds my songs. I am very grateful for that. Thank you Camilo ❤️🔥. You're doing great! Keep it up! 🌱Elen"
"Outstanding work by Joey! He actually went out of his way to go above and beyond what I had asked and I couldn’t be more happy. Quick and efficient and a lot of effort put into it. Will start using his services from h..."
"Brendan is a very nice and patience person. Even it takes several times to revise but he commit to fulfil the delivery exactly like i request. Thank you so much Brendan."
"I would leave 100 out of 5 stars if I could. Jon-John is dope. so talented, so eager to go above and beyond. I had high hopes for these songs and taken them beyond that. Jon-John is amazing!"
"Kyle is an excellent drummer and created a perfectly tailored drum track for me. He is super responsive as well. Will certainly be using him again. "