Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lashawn Daniels
I've worked with some of the greatest musicians including Grammy Award Winning Singer, Brandy, and R&B/Soul powerhouses, Avery Wilson, & Gene Noble. I write, and arrange every song like they are my own. My passion is truly bringing stories to life through melody and pure intent.
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I’m a Music Producer with 15 years of musical experience in many styles and formats. A song is worth a thousand words, so please listen to my songs.
Hi, my name is Willie Key and i'm very glat to be part of this great site.
I've played multiple genres on the violin/fiddle for 23 years. I've self-produced 7 albums and done hundreds of arrangements in limitless genres. My career is devoted to exploring this instrument's musical possibilities and I love a good challenge. Let's see what your music could sound like with violin.
Offering cheap songwriting offers, to start creating contacts in the industry. Latin Pop singer/songwriter, Dolby Atmos Mix & Mastering audio engineer. As a musician, it is easier for me to communicate to clients and materialize their ideas in products. I put my skills and knowledge to achieve your goals in the best possible way.
Singer/Songwriter, Music Producer Credits: Joey Montana, Greeicy, Cali y el Dandee, Nacho, Yandel, Pitizion, Sebastián Yatra, Farruko, Melendi, entre otros.
By choosing to work with me, you're also choosing to support a charity that I donate to. Right now it's Starship Foundation NZ. For those that don't know, Starship is a kids hospital who does amazing work to save the lives of kids with potentially terminal illnesses. $10 from what I make from projects goes to them.
Hi! Glad you found me! My name is Vincent. I have 20 years of experience working as producer, composer and piano studio player. Among other things I worked with Roman Skorobagatko, sound producer of the The Hardkiss and Melovin.
My name is Phoenix Paterson and I am a songwriter. I specialise mainly in lyrics or as a top liner, I am always looking for artists to work with or other songwriters to co-write. I went to Music College for 2 years, now I'm doing my degree in Commercial Music.
Recent Successes
"Excellent work! Brought my track to life and it sounds awesome. Also great communication and production feedback. I'd totally recommend Aaron for mastering."
"Elliot has over delivered yet again - helped me refine my mix during the process so we could achieve the best possible results - amazing artist, collaborator and technician. Can't recommend highly enough!!!! "
"Excellent and professional work! I'm happy!"
"Eliott is awesome. such a down to earth guy and will ensure that your vision is brought to life. After doing one song I have decided to continue using Eliott for the rest of the projects i have. A+++"
"Gergo is my go to trumpet guy, he can interpret the artist perspective of their project and deliver the exact voice they are looking for. He goes above and beyond your call for results."
"If you want POCKET? This is your guy!"
"Filip Is AMAZING to work with. He has the ability to be flexibly with all ideas and has amazing skillset makes him a valuable asset to the projects. He is extremely talented and cant wait to continue to work with him ..."
"Worked with DUMSK for a developing DJ I'm managing. Great and easy to work with. Very nice job! "
"Ladies & Gentlemen, It was an honor working with the glorious Lydia Salnikova. From communication, talent, understanding, delivery, and her being - I can tell you she ranks top to have all boxes checked!! Listen..."