Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Larry Thomas Moore Jr
I record, mix and edit Rock music. As a former touring guitar player I’ve built a world class studio specifically for recording and mixing Rock music.
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I am an educated audio engineer and will do everything in my power to deliver you the highest quality sound I can.
Powerhouse vocalist Adanita Ross tours with C&C Music Factory singing hits like "Everybody dance now and Things that make you go Hmmm". Recently DreamWorks Animation released the Netflix series Mr. Peabody and Sherman Show and soundtrack which featured the single Ferris wheel with vocals by Adanita Ross.
I am a producer and engineer available to mix and master your project!
Hi I ma a stundent of Sound Engineer at Conservatory G.Martucci of Salerno, Im looking for some collaborations.
Producer for modern Pop and Electronic Dance Music (EDM). I am a BMI and RIAA award-winning producer with years of experience collecting multi-platinum and gold awards records worldwide. I am based in Los Angeles.
Mitchell Hammen is a multi-talented mix engineer, producer and composer from Appleton, Wisconsin. A true master of sound, Mitchell has built a reputation amongst his peers for being the glue that helps bring all the elements of a song together. Best known for his multi-dimensional mixes of R&B and hip-hop.
Certified Audio Engineer & Professional Electronic Music Production Service, Audio Editing Specialist in Vocal Tuning, Mixing, Mastering Also Experienced Session Drummer (10Yrs+) & Bass Guitarist Tutor. Engineering Assistance Available if Requested.
Arranger and producer for string and horn sections. I'm all about deepening and extending musical emotions of your music, whether it's about smooth ballads, punchy hiphop or bad ass funk lines. Let's make music!
Recent Successes
"Pat was amazing to work with and SO fast! He recorded 2 separate versions of a specific song for my niece to sing at our wedding and they turned out great! I don't have much experience with music and he was able to wa..."
"5 Stars for the effort and enthusiasm alone.. had quite a few hiccups that we overcame, and he went above and beyond to fulfill my needs.. Great communication.. which is HUGE with the way this operation is set up.. Th..."
"Beautiful voice, easy to work with!"
"Fred has the best service and is very understanding of your request. Fred is highly recommended. "
"Another great canvas with Shane Beam. Highly recommend!"
"Shelly is one of a kind She combines her natural vocal skills with a beautiful timbre and is able to conjure an array of emotions to suit each project. I have never had to ask for any retakes - that speaks for itself"
"Greg is a superlative producer who is always available and prompt in reacting to our needs and feedback and capable of creating a mix and master of our songs that really satisfies our requirements, often exceeding our..."
"Josh is a genius! He is a fantastic mixer who knows his trade perfectly. In addition, he is very fast, does night shifts (thanks a million!) and super nice. Thank you for your help and the pristine sound. Looking forw..."
"Great lyrics for a new Christmas song. Always a pleasure to work with him."