Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lancen Gm
LABEL RELEASES: Arkade/Aftercluv Dancelab/Columbia Deutschland/Mometum Records/Perfecto Records/BredNButter/Trap City/Tiger Records/AIA/Knight Vision/Gemstone Records/Physical Presents/Liftoff Recordings/Indie Select/Enhanced Music/Clubwrk/Turnt
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Musician, bassist, producer, audio engineer and professional educator able and willing to complete any task at hand. Good leader, organized, with excellent communication skills.
Mixing for musicians, by a musician
I have been singing professionally for 6 years now, I write lyrics as well! Iβm open to working on backgrounds, demos or features and can record myself at home using Ableton. Also open to different genres of music!
So, I make music to brief in the fashion world, record bands and solo artists and mix for all of the above. I thrive in production and recording, adding the finishing touches to a song. I would consider my main strength to be in mixing, I love clarity and depth in a mix. If you need to track vocals, I am your man.
The SACRVMENT sound includes the "lush art pop" approach to pop music
Having grown up watching Disney movies and Musical Theatre, at a young age Bindy developed the ability to imitate different character's voices. She has 7.55k subscribers on YouTube as BeeBop20, and over 6 million views of her Disney covers.
Iβm a singer/songwriter/recording artist with over 15 years of experience. I have over 500,000 subs on YouTube with over 70 million views from doing original and cover videos. Iβve been on Team CeeLo on the season 3 of The Voice and the Top 44 of season 4 of American Idol. I take input well and can adapt to direction, production, and style easily.
My focus as a music producer has always been pushing the envelope of what modern sounds can be. Iβm capable of elevating your projects at any stage, be it a full arrangement or a voice memo recording, to a professional production with a modern and ambitious aural palette that is unique to and representative of you as an artist.
Recent Successes
"Mark is great to work with, and the quality of work is at a high standard. whether you're finishing up a track or wanting a mix done half way through to bring out the detail and up the quality for your next phases, i ..."
"Amazing rapper; hip-hop heaven. Modern, in tune, beautiful melodies integrated seamlessly into Travis Scott-style vocalizations which is what I asked for. Nailed it. Thank you LeVi."
"π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯ Chris is a super talented producer. Have worked with Chris on several projects and learn something new each time. He really amazed me and unknowingly helped me decide my Ep's first ..."
"She did an amazing job on my song!! Iβm very happy with it! sheβs such a great singer and songwriter! No revision needed! Iβll be working with her again! β€οΈβ€οΈ"
"Dan provided beautifully played takes with incredible precision and nice attention to detail. His communication was good throughout, and he had a very positive attitude. "
"A+++++ Incredible work as usual. Highly recommend. "
"100% satisfied with the results, thank you so much. Can only recommend!"
"Amazing vocalist, delivered exactly what I was looking for, and on a very tight deadline! I'll definitely be working with her again "
"One of the best talents I've found here on Soundbetter.com! Great person as well. "