Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lanberry
I'll mix and/or master your song to a professional standard, making sure the vocals carry the story and the music moves the listener. I have over two decades of experience as music producer for A-list artist in my country and over a decade experience as mixing engineer. No limit on the number of revisions - your satisfaction is paramount.
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Lifelong musician Bryan Daste is maybe best known as a pedal steel guitarist, but also specializes in clawhammer banjo, upright bass, and backing vocals. Also a talented recording engineer and producer, Daste is as skilled as he is versatile. "Bryan Daste seems to be able to play just about anything he wants to" - Joe McSpadden, nodepression.com
"Lets enjoy our music journey and get passionate about it"
I create music- produce and write songs from up tempos to ballads.
Having been a touring artist, producer and singer-songwriter for the last 8 years, I understand the dedication required to create high-quality music. My experience signed to record labels like Warner Bros and Atlantic as an indie-pop artist has honed my skills in these things and am confident I can get any musical job done. Let's Work!
Creative and intuitive cellist, arranger and composer.
I am a film & game composer with inspiration ranging from prog metal and math rock to jazz and classical. I also bring 6 years experience as a singer-songwriter. As such, I'm confident I can help communicate the intended emotion of a scene/project.
Recent Successes
"Adam recorded a very nice bass track for my song. Very easy to communicate and attention to the songwriter requests. Recommended ! "
"Pelle is a great pleasure to work with! He excels in communication and being forthcoming with various aspects of a project. Not only is he professional, but a true joy to work with as well."
"This beautiful voice young lady is a pro in every since of the word. Even though i gave her days to complete the project, she was done in a matter of hours and the job was perfect on first delivery....Great Job Skyler!"
"Summer was great! Vocals really brought my track to life as she quickly found a great melody to go along with a great voice!"
"William is always happy to go that extra mile to get the most out of the music. "
"Mark is timely and precise! Seasoned at what he does. I recommend him for any music and production needs you may have! Will be working with him again. "
"Adam took a lot of stems and helped make better "sense" out of them and help create a first class mixed song. He was a great pleasure to work with and he was fast and intuitive...and was able to take my explanation of..."
"Best producer I've ever worked with. I've hired several of the top tier guys in this site and non of them comes close to Steve. Not only is the sound quality amazing, but he truly cares about your song, and ha pour..."