Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lady Yuliana
I am a Colombian Electric Guitarist, Audio Technician and Music Lover, I am prepared to take on any creative challenge and I have experience in various musical genres.
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Get your BIG sound and stay on budget! Have a listen to our work, we feel it speaks for itself. We have worked with multiple charting artists and guarantee your satisfaction!
I'm a singer/songwriter based in Toronto ON, and my focus is vocal tracking and songwriting. I'm an award winning artist, and I spent the past 3 years songwriting and performing in Nashville TN.
Specializing in amazing sounding records and delivers vocals that capture the hearts of any listener!
I am looking to work with artist from all over the world on many new projects that will reach a global audience consisting of music from all genres!
Singer & Producer Clinically perfectionist for your best interest.
Catwalk Opera founder, Monika Spruch is a award winning fashion model and a Certified Soprano singer. Graduate from AVA (Angel Vocal Art) in Los Angeles, Manhattan Opera Studio in NY, Respiro Opera NY, and Belcanto in Tuscany. After a successful concert tours and workshops in Tuscany, Italy - Spruch is opening her booking calendar this fall.
Experienced bass player with guitar for session work and producing. Currently working on "Dirty Image" project. Formerly guitarist for Infuzion Band and bassist/producer for Holy Head.
Recent Successes
"Simply spectacular: got right away what I was looking for and made the song so much better. Will be back for more, that's for sure !"
"Seth did a great job producing a fantastic contemporary backing track, with an awesome vocal !!"
"Incredible product!!! Giancarlo is extremely patient, very flexible and he definitely wants your mix and master to be very pleasing for you. A great honor to work with such professional with amazing work ethics!"
"Super professional mixing, and a cool guy to work with. My mix came out better than I could’ve imagined, and I’m happy I got to work with Dootbeats. I’m excited to release my song now. Will definitely be doing more pr..."
"Sean also delivers great tracks; can also count on him! He is a super talented, creative musician and a very friendly teamplayer to work with. Highly recommended! "
"Fantastic Job!!"
"Nik is easy to work with, knows his trade, and really wants you to succeed having the best sounding final product possible. What more could you ask for? I found him to be professional and patient. A few of his observa..."
"Ryan is really great guy! and a really professional! was a real pleasure to work with him and definitely will work with him again in the future! "
"Put so much effort in making unique sound and touch to track . thank you <3 "