Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with La Supermana
Juan Alberto Guarneros Muñoz, conocido como Warneros, es un productor de música electrónica mexicano, compositor y vocalista del dúo Ego Warneros.
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Get Mixing & Mastering from a Polymath Producer. Radio ready guaranteed. Unlimited Free Revisions. 🏆⚡🏆
Hello, my name is Reli and I specialize in songwriting, vocal stacking, lead/background vocals and vocal tuning - www.soundcloud.com/relimusic
Hello there! Music is my passion and the guitar is my way to keep it alive. This profile is just a test for future contributors, but I am open to chat specially about social media, which is what I do for a living.
I preach diversity in sound.
Songwriter & Session Guitarist (Rock, Pop, Heavymetal, Instrumental)
Wide-Fi Sound (Lo-Fi <-> Hi-Fi, and all in beetween). Adventure recorder and mixer. NO RECIPES APPLIED!!! Each song is unique and deserves what makes it sond better.
Steezy Label Ent
Recent Successes
"Daramola is the consumate and all-around professional who is adept at his craft, and more importantly, goes the extra mile to deliver first rate customer experience and satisfaction. He is very personable and a joy to..."
"My 4th or 5th time working with Camilo - He is now my go-to Mastering engineer - I trust his ear and his judgement. Communication always 10/10 ... turnaround time always 10/10 ..... quality always 15/10! I've got a..."
"I live in remote Alaska and I was as green as it gets when it comes to professional music production. Luckily, I happened upon John’s page. I didn’t even know some of the basic terminologies related to music productio..."
"A great job with Jay, he was patient and helpful in getting this song where it needed to be. Thank you!"
"Fantastic work, bro!!!!!!! "
"Tim is a class act. Patient and understanding. I highly recommend his vocal services. He literally brings life, excitement and energy to anything he touches. True talent!"
"The second time we've been working with Chuck. We love his enthusiasm and creative interpretation of our track. Also, all our direction concerning the mood and style are fully fulfilled."
"Thanks for the great work Adel - really happy with the result and would work with again. Great attention to detail, no doubt there. Cheers!"