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LA Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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If you are looking for emotional interpretation and vocals, please contact me. 20+ years experience in recording and live performances.
Hey there, I am Beatz11, an electronic music producer.
"You made my song feel exactly the way it's supposed to" said every Artist that I've worked with so far. I look forward to sharing that experience with others.
UK Top 40 Mix Engineer and Music Producer, typically involved in Drill, Grime, UK Hip Hop & Rap projects plus experience with R&B.
Fibertex Corporation is a top Kitenge Fabric Suppliers & Exporters from India. We are proud to have created amazing Kitenge dresses for party, travel, and date outfits.
I’m a singer and 🎹 player based in South Florida and currently freelancing. I have had the pleasure of opening for Cher and sharing the stage with musicians that have performed alongside Ray Charles and Billy Joel.
I'm a sound engineer , I'm specialized on Metal mix , I work with Cubase.
Welcome to Johann ZU, the solution to all your mastering and mixing needs! My name is Johann. I’m an Audio Engineer with a couple of decades of audio work on my shoulders.
Recent Successes
"This is exactly what I was looking for. I am so proud to have Nicolas as part of my new project's team. "
"I asked for a kick to be turned up and I got punched in the chest. He nailed it. He was very straightforward and QUICK as almighty. "
"We had a wonderful experience with Gio.. He was so easy to work with and gave us exactly what we were looking for. He is extremely talented and a pleasure to work with.. a true professional! Highly recommended!! "
"Such a talented singer and songwriter! mI highly recommend working with Zach. He is very professional and can really deliver what you ask for."
"Wonderful work from Leo again. He mastered it perfectly"
"Ruby did an awesome job on my recording. I appreciate that she really took the time to understand the song beforehand as well as adding her own unique styling resulting in a great finished product! "
"Great working with Jessie! She did a wonderful job on a difficult track. Very talented, easy to communicate to, and lovely to work with! I highly recommend her!!"
"This man is really good at what he does. I also appreciate the fact that he is very patient. Thanks Elliot!"
"Great and efficient, fast vocals:) "