Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kuririn & Predella - ISSO AQ TA MT BOM
Producer - Mixer - Mastering Engineer - Singer - Composer
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I'm a songwriter with a long experience in writing rock, pop and country music. I'm signing up here to offer lyrics for your songs. I'm from Sweden living outside Strasbourg in France. I'm fast and deliver on time in high quality.
Professional Finishing for Professional Producers
The world needs real music, before we all forget how it was. We are musicians in a professional studio, our world. Be welcome!
I can't sing at all, but you can! This is your one-stop shop for all your vocal needs.
Vocal range: G2 to A6
My Name is Adrian, iam a drummer ,bass guitarist and vocalist who just simply lives for the love of music. I can play any type of music. Relationships are mean more to me than money.
Fully analogue recoding studio with Steinway B,Yamaha CP70, Hammond Organ, vintage amps and guitars and loads of outboard like Neve 1073´s, Avalon 737, UA 610 and a real EMT 140 plate reverb. Our recoding room has 180 m2 and sounds beautiful.
Recent Successes
"Tiffany is a complete pleasure to work with--super fast turnaround with an amazing voice!"
"Excellent experience with Matt - responsive, skilled, unafraid to take a stab at things at his own initiative. Would highly advise trusting Matt with a rock mix, and will do so again myself."
"Outstanding! A beautiful, unique voice and incomparable technique. Pareli doesn't just sing the words, either, she OWNS the track, making it her own and really throwing herself into the project. Will definitely work w..."
"Austin was really able to turn nothing into something. He took my ideas and shaped them into a track that really spoke true to my vision. Will be working with him again and highly recommend. "
"We made 4 tracks with Levi! It was great experience and i am very happy with the result i get! If you want something cool in different styles (pop dance ,hip hop or something else) i strongly recommend him! Thank You!"
"Wow, I can really say so many things about Fred Miller, but I will start with this. He definitely will make sure that he informs you on what he feels about the track (if you’re open to that of course) and he does all ..."