Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kso Kliq
I want to make a good song just as bad as you do.
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I enjoy music, whether it's listening to or creating it. I have been composing sound tracks, EDM, jazz, trap, rock, etc., for 11 years. The music is fresh, original, and inspiring. I have a song named Dream Of You, this song is a story being told using nothing but instruments.
My name is Igor Bilheri from Brazil.
My name is Hollis Jae...aka James C Hollis(ASCAP) I am a singer,songwriter,producer based out of Moreno Valley,CA...I have worked with and performed for..Ludacris,Good Charlotte,Naughty by Nature,Jessica Simpson to name a few..I also worked on two international released albums from Grammy award winner Bizzy Bone (BTNH) as a featured artist.
What's up! I'm SkelliBeatz, a music producer and mixing & mastering engineer. If your looking for your work to music label ready then you can stop looking because I'm hear to do just that. I don't have all the secretes to make you the next big thing but I can guaranty I will make your music sound great!
Hi, my name is George Karanikolos and I am a record producer and sound engineer. I specialise in all aspects of music production; from recording to mixing and mastering. I am always looking for cool and fun projects to be involved with, offering my personal taste and expertise. Feel free to send a message so we can discuss about your next project.
Please check out my discogs for references: https://www.discogs.com/artist/5248390-Robert-Williams-38
Abbey Road Institute trained Producer and Mixer specialising in dreamy, spacious and psychedelic productions and mixes.
Creativity in making beats is my style of making music.
Recent Successes
"Fantastic as usual.... Go to string guy!"
"A really good mix engineer. He did exactly what i wanted with the song without me telling him what to do. I'm really glad bout the result. He know what he do and he do it fast. Your song gon level up if u're using h..."
"Alessia is a great singer and vocals producer. You have a first class finish song with all perfect voices .The next level on catchy or cool songs ! It's awesome to work with her. I I will work again with her very soon..."
"Good to work with you here, Alon. Great mix and vocal tuning in a short time."
"If asked, how I feel about working with Jaime Arin? Let me put it like that: To future generations I can modestly say that I‘ve worked with Jaime way back in 2022, before she rose to worldwide fame as a singer and art..."
"Emanuel is swift with his responses and plays so beautifully! It is as if he is in the room with you and playing the song for you! I am so excited to collaborate more in the future with you! I was looking for a cellis..."
"Wim was great to work with. He was super friendly and had excellent communication throughout the whole process. Everything was done to a high standard and I will definitely be using him for my future projects."
"Taylor is very professional and has a great ear. I worked with him on one track, which I was very picky about. He was able to work with me and I loved the finished song. I definitely recommend working with him. "