Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Komytea
Digital craftsman with attention for detail. I can fix things or create new ones.
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Phantom Sounds started in 2007. We are a recording studio and hip hop, rnb and urban genders beatmakers. Producer: B Side Prod. Located in Cartago, Costa Rica.
Wicked Angel Entertainment is a on-location multi-track mobile audio recording studio.
Hi there, Derek here. I make music that feels right. in addition to that, I sing like Fergie and Jesus, Play guitar like John Mayer, and make music that makes you feel things.
both acoustics and electronic music producer and mixing & mastering
KingzOf is your 1 stop shop to compete in today's music industry. We offer production, song writing, mixing, remixing and mastering. We are hip to the trends & sounds of the industry and this is what we deliver to our Clients. We were recently highlighted on Sway in the morning as feature producers and have also worked with industry Exec. No I.D.
Does varies styles and genre of music including World sounds, R&B, Hip Hop, EDM, Punjabi music and more.
Music producer with new fresh sound
Everything has it's unique place in the mix, even 50 guitar layers. I've mixed and mastered tracks from West Thebarton, BAD//DREEMS, Bolt Cutter, and Ethanol Blend, but specialise in atmospheric rock, stoner rock, pop-punk and shoegaze/dream-pop styles. I LOVE mixing and mastering anything with lots of reverb or thick fuzz.
Recent Successes
"Yet another perfect job by Jordan !! He always amazes me with his attention to detail and his superb set of ears !!!! Thanks again Jordan you are my go to vocal engineer Everytime :):( jazzy"
"As always Arthur is a genius in the mix...Love his work and he came up with great work - fast, efficient and talented... Look forward to the next project !!"
"We are very satisfied with ZDimenton. He has done a great job, and fast! A unique voice with a strong character, he is awesome!!! He is also perceptive and is easy to work with. I can highly recommend him."
"Went above and beyond to make sure I was satisfied. I dealt with many engineers in past and Direckt definitely pulled through. Very good and already gave him another project. "
"Liset is pure talent. An incredible artist. A strong voice, with personality and style, a mind with vision and a heart with emotions. A nice professional, a magnificent partner to boost any track. She fills with the e..."
"It was a pleasure to work with Sebastian. He's quick and professional. Definetly would recommend."
"Great experience, professional approach, everything on the spot. Feels that mixing was done with the attention to details and I liked communication process. Thanks, Vintage Division đź‘Ź"
"Daramola is truly a very talented artist,songwriter and singer I have sent him a beat and he delivered exactly what I wanted. He was very easy to work with him. I'm very happy to met such great talent here I will for..."
"Kohl, great professional, very solid, sincerely very nice collaboration."