Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with KL Rapper
As a talented Vocal Mixing, Enhancing, and Audio Mastering Engineer based in Sri Lanka. Commitment to premium quality and affordable services resonates like a perfectly tuned chord. Whether it’s enhancing vocals or mastering tracks.
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Professional trombonist in UK. Trombone with latin bands in Puerto Rico, hosepipe at the Sydney Opera House and opera at Snape Maltings. Funk, jazz, contemporary classical, musicals, latin, reggae, highlife.
My name is Jarkko, and I make stuff sound good.
Hello, my name is Garrett Corbran an I am originally from Buffalo NY. I am currently a mix engineer and music producer out off Los Angeles, California. Im currently an assistant mix engineer at Atlantic records/ APG / Warner Music group.
I hope I can help with any new project which you might need guitar tracks. I am a guitarist in the Tulsa/OKC area. I record and play "live" here. I've spent time in Los Angeles in the 80's and worked with many jazz/blues notables. I also lived 12 years in Nashville playing with Artist Acts (country/rock) and playing on a variety of demo sessions.
Sound recording mixing & mastering studio specialized in online services.
I can transcribe anything! Any style of music, or even non-music - speech, non-verbal vocalizations, animal sounds, noise, you name it - I can convert it into sheet music in a clean, readable presentation. I also compose and arrange in a wide variety of genres - jazz, folk, pop, classical - and play saxophones, clarinet, and flute.
Singer/songwriter and an expert at putting your feelings into words
🏆Over 70 tracks sold to various clients worldwide! I produce styles such as Tech House, Deep House, Melodic Techno, Afro House, among others!
Recent Successes
"Amazing voice, just as amazing work ethic/professionalism. Huge fan of hers."
"Super quick and easy, really professional and provided multiple takes which were all really high quality and exactly what i wanted! Casty was a pleasure to work with and i definitely recommend him !"
"Such a great experience working with Alina. Extremely talented individual not only as a vocalist & writer, but also as a vocal producer. Would absolutely recommend Alina as she will bring your track to the next level. "
"Man Tyree is a god #Jblest #OSD"
"It was the best experience you could ever wish!!! Chris ist so nice and professional, thank you 1000 times!! it was a great experience and a massive end-product! Will come back to you soon!"
"This man is amazing! His steel guitars and fiddle can bring that unique feeling of warmth to my tracks. His recording have unique combination of precision at the same time they do not sound "mechanical" and always hav..."
"Great working with Jessica and really happy with the result."
"Jackie is the greatest. She sent me what was absolutely one of the most beautiful vocal tracks I’ve ever heard.But I had a slightly different thought for it. In what was genuinely my least favorite moment as a musicia..."
"#1 Hammond player in my book! Great ideas, rhythm and feel, thanks again for a great collaboration!! "
"Excellent Work. "