Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kjerstin
Åsmund Mattias Smidt is a Norwegian producer, drummer and songwriter. He brings 100% effort and passion into all his projects. So if you need production, tracks, topline, drums or mix/master please don't hesitate to reach out!
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I offer one simple service. Great mixing. What are you paying for? ears My ears. experience My experience.ability My ability to deliver a great mix. Everything else is secondary in my opinion. Any top mixer will tell you, it's not where you mix it, but who is doing the mixing. With over 15 years experience you can trust satisfaction guarantee
+200m streams. As a music producer and sound engineer, I have worked with some of the biggest names in hip-hop, reggae and edm, including Ghostface Killah, Raekwon, Cappadonna, P Money, Awich, Wu-Tang Clan, Sizzla, Redman and others. Top500 brands including- Coca-Cola, Absolute, Jaguar and BMW, The Voice...
My initial and significant contact with the world of audio production was when I started to get really interested in Hip-Hop music and began the urge to produce my own instrumentals. Due to that, I made the decision to academically complete, when I started to really get into the world of Audio Production, Mixing and Mastering.
I am a freelance singer/songwriter for films/television/video games. I multi-track choral layers and sing in many styles but come from an indie/pop/electronic background. My voice has been featured in projects on Hallmark, Lifetime, Ubisoft, Playstation, UPtv, DirectTV, CBS, Twentieth Century Fox, Universal Pictures, Warner Bros., etc.
Hi, I'm a full-time songster, composer, DJ, sound engineer and soundtrack creator from South Africa. Successes include traveling Europe, signing with major label Universal Music Germany and performing on the live ZDF Fernsehgarten TV show in Fuerteventura, Canary Islands. 14 Years experience in the music industry. 400+ gigs & 500+ songs.
Técnico de sonido con mas de 15 años de experiencia, especialista en mezcla de sonido y diseño sonoro
Hej there, i'm Audio Engineer, Mixing Engineer, Producer (Electronic Music) based in Berlin. I mix every genre but my specialization is on electronic music like House, Deep House, Downtempo, Techno, Tech-House, Minimal House etc...
I'm an improvisational Blues/Rock guitarist of 35+ years also well versed playing Bass, Keys and programming Percussions and I write and produce primarily instrumental tracks, beats, compositions that get considered for film and tv soundtrack material. I also produce and collaborate with independent singer/songwriters of R&B with a quality mixdown.
Recent Successes
"Jordan has an awesome ability to deliver exactly what your song needs, as complex or as simple as it might be. The sound quality of his drums is also top-notch. Looking forward to working on some more tunes with him!"
"Very fair price to content ratio. JP worked on my latest song and it’s easily my best sounding yet. I’m very impressed and can not stop listening to it. Very quick turnaround time too and very responsive to messages. ..."
"Great work with just the feedback I needed to fix a couple of issues with the mix. Also mixed my vocals in which was helped a lot. Really good price for the quality of service."
"Brian is an incredibly talented producer and went above and beyond to create something special. We are so happy that we found him and pleased with the song we worked on together."
"For me, one cannot just be an engineer for work to be awesome. You also have to be an artist and think like one, and Fred is that kind of a producer/engineer. He approaches every project with his own vision and is ..."
"there's no words to describe his talent. Perfection in each detail a definition of profecionalism full of soul and hart same time!"
"Adam Haggar at Mount Olympia Mastering definitely exceeded our expectations. and an excellent turnaround time. We will definitely continue working together. Thanks again Adam!"
"Eric is such a talented designer! He always comes up with terrific results! Best to work with!!!"
"I really enjoyed working with Anaïs Ninja! She is a very creative artist, extremely professional, and took the time to understand my project and intentions. She recorded a topline, and wrote beautiful lyrics and m..."
"Simply a great human being. I now understand why previous reviewers were raving about him. He cares for your project as if it were his own. Besides that, he's a master musician. Took my song to another level. Througho..."