Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kiya Amajioyi
Channel your own greatness.
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Twelve years of total dedication to artists and their music, always improving methods and skills to make your lovely song become a true and deep piece of emotion.
Mastering is our passion and the only thing we do. Contact Elevate Mastering and take your tracks to the next level.
Jessica Taylor is a recent Berklee graduate with a degree in Music Production & Engineering. She has attended master classes with the acclaimed Ebonie Smith, Ann Mincieli, and Simone Torres. She has worked as a live sound engineer, at a post studio, as an assistant to award winning engineers, and at various recording studios & labels.
My name is Artur Nelson, formally signed artist and songwriter/vocalist. My music has been featured on some of Spotify's top Editorial Playlists like: Fresh Finds, Discover Weekly, Dubstep/EDM Fresh Finds:Pop, and more. My style of songwriting intertwines vivid storytelling with real-life experiences. My vocal style is commercial-pop w/electronic.
Stock Audio Production
Experienced in song writing and instrument arrangement
Worldwide Premium Mixing & Mastering Services for Acoustic Music & Singer-Songwriter with more than 20 years of experience.
I make Your music become a million seller product according to Your needs.
Recent Successes
"Great person to work with! His work speaks for itself. Through out the the project he was patient with me and replied within minutes which was great. "
"more awesome and clean producing thanks to my boy Austin! cheers bro!"
"Markiss can produce ANY genre and has been working with the pros for a long time! He was able to create an absolute BANGER of a track and his mix and mastering skills are top notch! He even gave me helpful tips about ..."
"Eestbound was nothing short of amazing. Really brought my vision to life. We're already working on two other records. Highly Recomend."
"Gio really puts in the time and effort into making a record shine. There are certain details that he is able to execute brilliantly due to his high qualifications and trained ear!"
"Excellence and professionalism is a constant. Plus... Brian REALLY makes you feel like he cares about your project. I am very grateful for what he brings to my music."
"Zoltan did a great job on my track. He's very responsive to messaging and the parts were awesome. Will definitely hire him again"
"Very professional and friendly. Really knows what he is talking about. I recommend his services."
"A wonderful musician and producer!"