Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with KISS Sonic Boom
Greg Collins is a record producer, mixer, and recording engineer, best known for his work with No Doubt, Gwen Stefani, U2, Eels, Matchbox Twenty, and KISS.
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I am creatively and perpetually, seeking like-minded people that will help fuel my desire for successful and professional projects.
Mateo is multi-platinum record producer with the inspiration, skills and sensitivity to transform a good idea into a GREAT record.
I help you to bring your music to life.
Specializing in electronic music production, mixing, and mastering to bring out clean and massive songs for professionals!
A recording, mixing and mastering engineer with an intimate knowledge of what a musician needs.
Nineteen plus yrs experience in restoration of structural digital tempos and lyrical compositions. Specialized in manufacturing and reconstructing mixes with the ability to intergrade musical elements while engineering uncustomary instrumental themes.
I start where you stop to get YOUR music Radio Ready!!!
Recent Successes
"She works immediately after receiving a proposal and she knows estimate what do you need from her or what is it you have been missing in your song. Also a great lyricist :) Pleasure to work with her :)"
"I couldn't recommend Joe enough. He took the vocals from my progressive electro track and turned it into this awesome clubby RnB track with a whole life of its own. And he did it all, in like, two days, with excelle..."
"Anh continues to "WOW." She did an exceptional job on this test track and brought beauty to song musically and vocally. Based on this performance, I have engaged her to do the final full recording that will, no doub..."
"Simon is the reason I joined SoundBetter in the first place. He played on the most influential albums for the project in working on, so to work with him was an ambition realised. Simon delivered perfect parts for the ..."
"Lester was extremely professional and completed the job in record time. I am above impressed with his musicality and he delivered exactly what was asked for. Highly recommend. "
"Aaron mastered my EDM song louder than I could possibly imagine without distorting. Sounded great on all my playback devices! Quality was top notch and I will definitely do business with him again for more tracks. "
"Gergo is so nice to work with and he's also a hardworking and talent player! Enjoy this cooperation."
"Brennen is exceptional here on SoundBetter, he's so much more than a regular mainstream mixer like you'd hear everywhere else, he was the perfect pro for me: Super professional, super nice, sensitive to my requests an..."