Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kirk Fletcher
Bassist with Taylor Swift (Grammy winning "Fearless"), Melissa Etheridge, Jewel, Luke Combs, Lionel Richie, Jelly Roll, Guthrie Trapp, Kirk Fletcher, Will Hoge, Patrick Sweany, Will Kimbrough and many others. Looking forward to working with you!
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Experienced musician out of NYC.
Projects done at your house or your friends house are great. You've save some money and taken time to get every note correct. Now, does the base pan to the left or right? Should the snare have a reverse verb? And is the third note on the fifth harmony correct? This is what a professional mix engineer deals with everyday. I have these answers.
At Formation Audio you’ll access a wealth of understanding in delivery, a sympathetic approach to your music, attention to detail at every stage of the process, and great sounding masters every time!
I've partnered with hundreds of artists, leaving a significant imprint on music. My dedication to my craft enables me to consistently innovate, producing exceptional, sonically striking work that exhibits my adaptability in each collaboration.
I do musical solutions for my clients primarily for media. Video games, tv/series, music production for records. No problem I got you. I always work hard and do my best so the product always comes out as good as it possibly can and my clients can get the best out of themselves. I offer feedback on performance, collaboration if you wish so.
An amazing freestyler
Iarga Sound Experience or ISE for short is a Belgian beatmaker turning life into hard-hitting techno ... This West Flanders father of one traded in his saxophone (and maybe his sanity 😂) for a electronic drum set and a DAW. Now he's crafting killer (Hard)Techno and (Hard)Trance tracks in his home studio. 🎶
I am a beginner, but I will do my best to live up to your expectations. and I make songs for free.
Recent Successes
"It has been a great experience working with LR Audio. Very responsive and professional. He does great mixes and adjusts to your feedback. What else could you ask for?"
"Great to work with. Always delivers 100%. Will work again and again and again with Tiffany. 1000 thanks."
"We approached Marcello as a top line writer to work on a vocal melody for a song that we were having problems with. We wanted a radio friendly, stadium rock approach and he absolutely nailed it! Huge catchy chorus and..."
"I gave LACHI a ballad, more difficult than most, asked for a demo and got a record!!!! Lachi is a Pro with a capital P! Backgrounds were also outstanding and the song could be released, as is."
"Brilliant performer and arranger! Great attention to details and realisation! Highly recommended!"
"The best of the best when it comes to bass! I've worked with many great bass players and Zolton is my go to! Not only based on his bass lines that he lays and his technical abilities, but his bass tone is soooo good. ..."
"Another winning performance by Holly. As a repeat customer, I've said so many positive things about Holly in past reviews...but being a repeat customer sums it up! Again, a life saver! Always the right parts done so b..."
"Dan was spot on, first go. Super fast, great performance and recording. "