Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with KingFast
I'm a singer with a large vocal range that I can use comfortably. I can perform pop, R&B, Soul and Jazz particularly with ease.
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I am an audio engineer graduated with a BA in Production and Music Technologies at the School of Music and Performing Arts (ESMAE), Porto, Portugal.
Professional music producer & mix engineer with years of experience recording artists to provide professional audio work & a creative mindset to every project.
Hi-end album quality mixing & mastering with analog , hybrid taste
Never Sounded So Good!
One of the best up and coming producers from Virginia, Yung Eazy brings to the table an array of talent displayed in his music production. His style is undefined, yet masterfully created to allow the artist to feel the idea in their head come to life.
The goal is to get your project as close as possible of your vision.
Do you want the most natural yet the more powerful sound? Look no further!
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Recent Successes
"Drum roll please!!!!!!! 🥁 Dude!! Gal knocked this out of the park! Way to go, bro! Can’t wait for the next one!!! "
"I worked with her twice. I could always get a satisfactory result. I want to work with her again next time."
"Music is a lot about making the right choices. When it comes to mixing and mastering there’s only one choice for us: Sunny Lax!!! 🎶❤️ Thanks again for your awesome work! The results of your mixing/ mastering are in..."
"Mark is a really professional and talented producer. He understand and work very quickly. He is a real master producer with the right pro process and technical for what you need. I appreciated so much to work with him..."
"10s 10s 10s!! This track was hottttt! "
"Really professional! Easy to deal with, and quick to get response. Really enjoyed working with E.N Young and I’m sure we continue to do projects together. Massive respect and honor king! "