Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with King joemx
Make your sound go pro
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Live Sound Engineer ,Producer, Host and D.J. for the Island Vibes Show on CKUW 95.9FM Winnipeg. The only Caribbean radio program in central Canada since 1999. Dj Vibesman is just my on air radio id.. More information available on my website. www.islandvibes.org
I'm a versatile pro saxophone player, I am from the Dominican Republic, but I live in New York City, I've been working in recording business for more than 15 years, Ive been working for several artists recording the Saxophones(Alto, Tenor, Soprano and Baritone)
I help creative people realise their vision and achieve their goals. You can hear my music on TV worldwide.
Will be your favourite ghostproducer, beatmaker. Signed on Future House Cloud, loudkult, Chill Planet, Electronic Future. Have a lot of experience working as a ghostproducer.
Top Singer and Songwriter
I'll make your voice and instrumental sound as your favourite artist's.
A self-taught mix engineer with a solid work ethic and a knack for bringing out the best in budget recordings. I'm new to SoundBetter, but I have about 10 years experience focused on mixing. If you're looking for a mix engineer that has the patience and experience of working with recordings from cheap mics and budget gear - let's talk.
Professional music producer and mix engineer based in Australia.
Recent Successes
"Dylan is a very good vocalist with a great vocal range and he's a creative song writer!! He overdelivered and reached beyond my expectations. Hire this guy if you want something unique!"
"It just gets better and better working with Matt. This guy is one of the best I've ever had the pleasure working with. He's helped us find our sound and bring our music to the next level. Can't wait for the next song!!!"
"Andres is the man! Super professional, speedy communication and execution and his playing is amazing!"
"As always, Lukas's work was high quality and timely. He's got an amazing ear and a ton of talent. Highly recommend"
"This was an impeccable performance. The longer I Work with Kimera, the more she floors me with her talent and her music/emotional intelligence. It's been nearly three years... As a reference vocalist -- and more imp..."
"Hugo is a master saxophonist! I needed a sax part for a song, and he quickly delivered a bunch of takes that were all fantastic and usable. Hugo has great musical instincts for finding the right attitude, growl & wail..."
"Emanuel has an excellent ear for harmony and has an aptitude for creating amazing solo lines. It can be very difficult to find a string player who is a good improvisational musician. Emanuel is one of the most excelle..."
"Great experience, really quick communication. And the song is just what I imagined! Would definitely use Holden again!"