Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Khal!l
Inexpensive, high-quality mixes. 7+ years of experience in the field of mixing and mastering music.
Background of 6 years experience working in project studios, graduated the New York Audio Academy, and have worked with a handful of clients over the past few years.
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My name is Jawan But my rap name is HAZ. You can check out the minute amount of material i have on hazardoustb.bandcamp.com Inquiries could be posted here or my email hazardous.snl@gmail.com
I love producing and playing my music through the best mix of analogical and MIDI sound! The result is a new and fresh Electropop!
I am the producer of my own songs and I would like to share them with other people and work together in the completion of my projects. Several top musicians like Sean Hurley, Matt Musty, Aaron Sterling, Tommy Detamore, Carlomagno Araya, Thomas Juth, Camilo Silva y Camilo Velandia have collaborated in my music productions.
i am in for a Hit, or an experimental Indie Record ....or both.
Working with me, you'll not only get your song completed, but you'll love the final cut and hopefully so will everyone else! Having be recorded and been produced by an engineer from the legendary Hit Factory/Criteria Studios in Miami who has produced artists like Mariah Carey and Madonna, I’m excited to dive into your project.
Charissa Whillock is a crossover coloratura soprano whose ease between genres has landed her opportunities from playing leads in opera to belting the blues in a dive bar. She can create large belt to a small wispy sounds and has large range that can accommodate and incorporate details that only highly skilled singers can create.
I have over 30 years of professional live and studio experience on both guitar and drums, and I would love to play on your next project!
Work as Sound Engineer in events in Bogota,Colombia as Gospel Work with Esteban Fandiño, a Music Producer in Bogota City
Recent Successes
"Amazing Work with an amazing Producer-Ingeener ☺️ Still a pleasure working with Yonni 👍 His mixes = 5 Stars 🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅"
"I've done so many tracks with Mark now I can't even keep track and this dude always delivers and I highly recommend him if you're looking for a singer. All ways comes up with crazy melodies and can hit any range. He..."
"Chad is a pro and made my song sound pro right from the first mix. He asked if I wanted him to follow my rough mix or to give him the freedom to mix it as he hears it. I told him to have creative freedom with it and i..."
"really pro and cool collaboration"
"Besides being a very nice person, Rob is extremely professional and we are very satisfied with the result. Rob listened to every note and was very understanding. Highly recommended!"
"Chris's capacity for work is unmatched. Timely, creative, and a high character artist. Our highest recommendation. Thank you Chris."
"Great communication & attentiveness. I am very happy with my first time with Chad. I highly recommend him. Such a great creative! Thank you so much, Chad. "