Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kennoly
Latino Producer with experience in Reggaeton, Hip Hop and warm sounds with a lot of flavor! I have what you are looking for, write me for personal attention.
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I'm the chief engineer at Mixed Waves Lab, I've been working with a wide range of artist in Chicago recording, and have been mixing and mastering and printing processor fx for other engineers for a few years now. I love what I do and I would like to put my expertise to work for your art!
Competent sideman looking to play regularly with capable, like-minded people.
A modern drummer in every musical style.
Productor y DJ/ Loja Ecuador
I'm musician, composer, producer, arranger for bands and strings and record electric and acoustic guitar.
BALON ,artists,MS
Session guitarist with 24 years of experience. Producer and mix engineer specializing in pop and indie rock.
Hill Sound Studio offers top-quality sound engineering services. Our team of expert engineers uses state-of-the-art technology for mixing, mastering, and post-production. With a diverse client base, we bring out the best in every project, from indie bands to corporate brands. Let us help you take your sound to the next level.
Recent Successes
"Look up "bad a**" in the dictionary and you'll find a picture of Austin Leeds."
"I gave Killian a song written at the end of the 90s, and he gave me back a masterpiece full of a 21-century vibe but still keeping the song's original mojo. This guy is an intuitive soul and a very skillful and cre..."
"I knew DFW was the right drummer for this song, and once again he stepped up! Rich with tom-toms and feel, his deep backbeat gives the song just the right kind of laid-back vibe I was looking for. Nicely done Don..."
"Matt delivered a remix of a song that I had mixed before, because I want to improve my mixing and learn from pros. And yes, he delivered! Big time. The song sounds great the way he did it and there is much that I can ..."
"I Really recommend James his fast and serve the best quality for his clients "
"Richard delivers the most unique soulful vocals with a truly special sound and style. Very professional and easy to communicate with. Warmly recommended :) "
"Unbelievable talent. Knocked it out of the park and completely captured the soul of the song. I’m blown away…AGAIN. "