Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Karl Cazavet
Our goal is to provide personalized creative and technical solutions in the music and audio production industry. We are professional producers and sound engineers with vast experience in music composition & arrangement, production, mixing & mastering. We have worked with diverse artists and genres, as well as businesses. Let's start!
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Hi! I am Giovanni Grieco, Guitarist, Multi-Instrumental Musician, Producer, Composer and Programmer from Italy
Hello! My name is Michael Poncé and I am a session/live drummer based in Nashville, TN.
Midwest pop princess creating bops for any vibe, anytime.
I'm a singer with a large vocal range that I can use comfortably. I can perform pop, R&B, Soul and Jazz particularly with ease.
Hola, soy Juje, un artista emergente nacido en Argentina y actualmente viviendo en la asombrosa ciudad de Miami. Desde hace más de 5 años, me dedico a componer mis propias canciones y las de mis colegas musicales. Tengo la capacidad de adaptarme fácilmente a las ideas de los demás, lo que me permite lograr resultados sorprendentes para tu próximo s
Are you exploring guitar options? Join me in making music that feels as good as it sounds, with a focus on quality and detail.
I think i can record some of the most creative drums for your music. I´ve been playing drums for 25 years, in many differents generes like rock, pop, folclore, experimental, latin, jazz, etc. Also i´m a songwritter and in the last years, i´ve been co-writting and producing for others artist.
Professional drummer - Studio sessions. I'm available for remote studio sessions, I am a professional French drummer with solid experience in a range of styles, from jazz to metal. Whether you need enhanced compositions in the studio or a powerful groove for your pre-production or demo, I adapt to your requirements to deliver my best.
Recent Successes
"Steve is great! He delivered a snappy loop for a sad ballad which needed something pop. I'll be sending more work his way! "
"Sara has a fantastic voice and is a very talented songwriter. Her vocal for my EDM track was very professional and she is enthusiastic and passionate about her craft. I'd highly recommend other artists to work with Sara."
"We’ve created 5 cinematic tracks. This our 3rd time collaborating. Chris is marvellously good at what he does and is absolutely dedicated in making awesome music! I’m forever grateful for Chris’s artistry. Thanks a m..."
"Once again great service by Andres Mayo, he’s my favourite mastering engineer and I really love the way we could communicate and intervene on the mixes to facilitate and improve the mastering process. Great way of wor..."
"I had a great experience working with Sound Destination! They were very communicative and helped me to adjust my mix as the process went along. I received consistent updates on the master, and overall service!"
"Yet another successful project with Stephanie. She never fails to deliver a stellar top-notch performance, clean files, and a purely positive collaboration. She also seems to keep improving and top even her own work. ..."
"Becky is just superb in every way and so easy to work with. Highly recommend!"
"Very professional and incredible playing. The dynamics were superb and overall great performance."