Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Justin Carlson
Produced and mixed albums featured in Rolling Stone. Unlimited, free mix revisions. $150 single mix and master SoundBetter deal!
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Original Production - 200 Mixing - 100 Mastering - 50
I specialize in listening to the artist and drawing out inspiration through thoughtful conversation, to understand and better execute the intended vision. I'm known to bring emotion, dimension, and texture out of sounds creating an impactful and pleasurable experience for the listener.
Award winning Ghost/Music Producer, (3x Billboard top 100, 2x Dutch top 40) with 8 years experience in the industry. I'd love to work with your vision and ideas, bringing my vision to your music, songs and recordings. Can't wait to get started!
¡Obtén un 35% de tu primera compra! Cannalim es un aceite de CBD en venta para todo México desde el 2018.
Itunes Top 50 Singer Songwriter, Producer and Mixing Engineer. Mentored by multi grammy winner Dave Pensado, I can help take your work to the next level and sonically enhance your music delivering High Resolution Audio. Also, Compete with radio standards and loudness levels to polish and finalize your work.
Session musician, producer, musical director and live guitarist for artists. Currently working with Carolina Gaitán, Ventino, Bako (The Mills), Juandy and Paula Van Hissenhoven (aterciopelados). I have a versatile profile working with several styles and genres of music and media. I produce content for digital platforms.
Professional hybrid mastering for electronic music
Mixer/Producer and musician (guitarist, singer) working with singer-songwriters and indie-rock bands including We Are Scientists, Silver Slugger, Gem County, A Nave Espacial, Loon, and Jon Turner.
Recent Successes
"Fred is perfect ! Good job ! Good mastering ! Good Guy ! Good .... Good ... "
"A pleasure to work with ! Very professionnal and talented ! Hope to work with Skam again !"
"I contracted Ren to produce a demo for a Christmas song I wrote. All I had for him was a rough recording of me singing it a cappella--and lots of words about how I wanted it to sound. I'll have to say he doesn't have ..."
"Great working with AWS, fast turnaround and creative additions to my song. I highly recommend them!"
"Victoria is so talented, friendly and was so prompt with her delivery I couldn't recommend her any more highly. "
"Ruth was very professional and very quick with her work, would fully recommend !"
"OMG Nyman is a genius! This is my second time working with him and I feel great! Nyman works really fast and high quality, definitely will work with him again in the future! 💯"
"Philip made a real No. 1 Hit! He is my go to and the reason why I started and continue to use sound better. Creative and articulate in the studio and in his Ideas every sound was exactly what I wished for with feeling..."
"Once again, Markiss has blown me away with the exceptional quality of his work! His creativity and meticulous attention to detail consistently enhance every project. It's priceless knowing you are in such capable hand..."
"Phil knows just what a song needs. Nice accordion part. "