Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Juri Heidemann
Preset? Set and forget? Every piece of music is an expression of the artist and should be treated as such.
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10+ years professional mixing, recording and FOH engineer 4+ years producer/executive producer 4+ years associate professor - audio engineering Berklee College of Music ('89) Extensive experience with international clients
Whether you need to record your song, or you are in the final stages and need your song mastered, I can help you get a song release ready. I have extensive experience in every phase of the process, and I can be your one stop to a great sounding finished product.
Mastering isn’t just technical, it's a unique blend of emotion and technique. I will always goes the extra mile to make sure everything is as good as it can possibly be with your master.
Hey everyone. I am a producer from Hamburg. Love to try out new things and work with open minded people. Always open for a collaboration!
A guy who loves music more than anything else. More than 25 years of music experience. I have worked on site and remotely with several artists from many different places all over the world, not only from Brazil.
Ganador de mas de 200 festivales colombo-venezolanos en composición inédita, y muchos otros segundos lugares.
Hi! Professional producer, engineer, keyboard player, and studio owner based in NYC. With over 30 years of experience, I’ve been making music for TV, film, and solo artists. I've worked with Todrick Hall, Orfeh, Billy Porter, Deborah Gibson, and Cynthia Enrivo, among others.
Recent Successes
"Elliot is killing it! We are on our 10th song together and every song just keeps sounding better and better. We've never met in person or talked on the phone and I feel like i've been making music with this guy for ag..."
"Silke just sent me her vocals for my track it was pure magic. Also her personality shines through due she really want you to be happy with the project and she's so so humble. If you want a QUEEN vocalist with the best..."
"Very excellent, thank you so much. Look forward to working with you again."
"Another outstanding vocal performance by Kimera! I've lost track of how many times we've worked together, but she is immensely talented!"
"Another amazing track together with Ziv! I can always count on him to take it places I didn't even think of. I've used Ziv for more EDM type tracks and also for more Rock oriented tracks and the collaboration has alwa..."
"Amazing. "
"Great mix and master. His communication and care for each of my projects is consistently high. I'm pretty exact about how I want the final Product and Matt delivered! Thanks Matt!"