Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Juan Torresi
Producer, Mixer and Session Guitarist, Bassist and Key player. I can make your song sound BETTER for HALF PRICE others producers.
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Hello - I'm Darrell! I am a session drummer, studio owner. producer and mix engineer. I provide Pro Drum Tracks for artists and songwriters all over the world. My top clients are from Steely Dan, AC/DC, YES, The Moody Blues, The Voice, and the Oprah Winfrey Network (I know, right? I am grateful!)
Hello.I'm son of Kenji Ohmura (guitarist of YMO Yellow Magic Orchestra), musician from Tokyo JP. My recent work are Namie Amuro (guitar recording, tour guitarist) / One OK Rock (sound produce) / Oldcodex (song arrange & guitar recoding / tour guitarist)
I have experience in performing and recording in Rock, Blues, Jazz, Folk Music and many branches.
Cooked up over 1000 beats (maybe even more) and uploaded 100 to my beatstore.
We make sure We deliver to you what is best and nothing less!
Experienced live sound engineer with an ability to carry out recording, live mixing, post-mixing, post-editing and final mastering.
Birmingham Philharmonic Orchestra, Alex Ohm, Ensemble Renarde
Recent Successes
"Cooper was great. Answered my questions directly. Positive and frank. Generous with information. I was afraid a true professional would be above answering my rudimentary questions, but he delved right in with no e..."
"Amazing engineer, will take your song to the next level ✊🏼"
"Always a pleasure to work with Becca!"
"I came to this site with an idea, a vision, and ambition. I laid it out clearly and concisely for Chris who, with quick, precise and professional communication along with his sharp ear for what sounds right, was able ..."
"I was lucky enough to book time with Milana Zilnik. I wanted a piano version of my song, beyond the simple lead sheet that I gave her. She is a talented musician, who also has the professionalism to complete a project..."
"He is the best for me to work with. His bass is great! He really knows what I want every time."
"Riley produced a vibrant sounding remix of my song with some really great musical elements in. Superb quality really well mixed."